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Lorn Page 26

  Brista screamed again. Kira threw her to the ground again and jumped back.

  Brista rolled into a ball, grabbing at her bleeding ribs, loud sobs coming from her. Kira lunged, wanted to keep tearing into her, but someone grabbed her around the waist and lifted her right off her feet.

  “Enough,” Lorn rasped.

  She didn’t fight his hold as he retreated a few steps. Instead, she looked at her hands. The claws remained, a piece of Brista’s shirt caught on one of them, the tips red with blood. The smell of it had her fangs extending, and the urge to lick her fingers surfaced.

  She fought it down since everyone seemed to be watching her. It would blow the whole big “not a Vampire anymore” proclamation she’d just made.

  “Get Brista the hell out of here,” Lorn demanded of Dobis. “No one dies tonight—or tomorrow. You go near Perri’s children and it will be punishable by death. Do you understand me? This is not a democracy. If you’d like to challenge me for leadership, do it now.” He eased Kira down to her feet and gave her a light push toward Davis.

  Kira watched as Lorn extended his claws and hair grew on his face, arms, and the backs of his hands. He looked terrifying and pissed. Her gaze flew to the men and women who’d come with Brista. Gazes dropped and they lowered their heads. No one stepped forward.

  “That’s what I thought. Don’t ever assemble again, believing you can threaten me to force an issue. Next time I’ll just kill you. You want to discuss something? Make an appointment and we’ll sit down calmly to talk. That’s far more than Decker ever offered. Now go home—and Brista?”

  The woman on the ground quieted but refused to look at Lorn.

  “Count yourself lucky to be alive. Ever try this again and I won’t pull Kira away. I’ll allow her to finish you off. She’s going to be my mate—and she hates your ass. I only stopped her because you have friends and a few of the children actually like you. Don’t press your fucking luck. If I even suspect you’re thinking about harming any child, I’ll take you out myself. Get the fuck out of here and go home.”

  No one said a word. Dobis pulled Brista to her feet and helped her walk away. She leaned heavily on him. The other families went with them.

  Kira braved peeking at Lorn. He still appeared furious but some of the hair had receded and his claws retracted. Shit. He’s going to be pissed at me. She swallowed hard.

  Lorn took deep breaths to get his temper under control and faced Bran. “I’m sorry about that. What did you come to speak to me about?”

  “You’re mating Kira?”

  “I am.” Lorn half expected a fight. The elder VampLycan might have a serious problem with that, and challenge him.

  Bran turned his head, studying Kira. Lorn watched his expression, trying to gauge how the elder felt on the matter. He didn’t see disdain or anger. Bran finally sighed and crossed his arms, meeting his gaze. “My son respected her courage. I see why now. You fed her blood and it did this?”


  Bran addressed Kira. “Did you see my son the night he died?”

  Lorn relaxed. He wanted to protect Kira, but figured Bran had the right to ask. He didn’t interfere. Kira looked okay and not upset by the question. Only sadness showed on her face.

  “No. I’m sorry. I had caught some human poachers and had them pack up their camp. I escorted them off our land and then returned to wipe away all traces they were there. I expected Veso to show. He usually checked on me a few times during my shifts. Two Vampires came instead, who said there were more, and they had Veso.”

  “Did you try to help him?”

  “I would have if I’d been given the chance.” Kira stepped closer to the big VampLycan.

  Lorn moved too, prepared to defend her if Bran attacked.

  “I liked your son,” Kira admitted. “He was a great instructor. Hard but fair. I shot one of the Vampires in the face and the other in the chest. I ran, knowing they would be hot on my ass. I didn’t see Veso. I had hoped they were full of shit about attacking him, and that he’d show up to save me. He didn’t.”

  “They caught you?”

  “One did. He was bleeding me to death, so I bit him back. It was either lie there and allow him to do whatever he wanted to me, or survive any way I could.”

  Bran reached out and grasped her shoulder. “That was brave.”

  “It was desperation. I’m so sorry about Veso.”

  “Me too.” Bran released her. “So you were full Vampire?”

  “Yes. Now I can grow claws.”

  “And you actually withstood the sun?”

  “I went out in it today. I even ate food before I came here. It didn’t make me puke.”

  Bran stared at Lorn. “I give you my loyalty. I know you won’t trust me yet but I’m aware my son hated Decker, and only pretended to go along with him. He wished for someone in your family to lead this clan, and he fed information to Lavos that he picked up working with the enforcers. I didn’t oppose his actions. I’ve never wanted war.” He glanced at Lavos, then back at Lorn. “I offer you my services as an enforcer if you need one. My son would have made the same offer. He’s not here to do it, but I am.”

  Lorn hadn’t expected that. “I accept. I know you have honor, Bran. Your word is trusted. I’m aware you didn’t always side with Decker. Otherwise he would have made you one of his enforcers.”

  Bran reached down and withdrew the dagger at his hip. He ran the tip of it across his palm then sheathed the small blade. Lorn unleashed his claws and cut his own palm with the tip of a finger. They shook hands, their blood mingling. It was a custom of elders in making a blood oath.

  “I’ll begin tomorrow. What time do you want me in your office to start my duties?”

  “Eleven.” Lorn figured that would give them all enough time to sleep after the late evening he needed to put in.

  “I’ll see you then.” Bran released his hand and glanced at Kira. “I’m glad you survived.” He left fast, heading home.

  “Upstairs—now.” Lorn was furious and upset with Kira. She’d promised to remain inside his den. He’d almost had a heart attack when she’d come stalking out of the trees, bold as brass, and started a fight with Brista.

  “I know you’re pissed but—”

  “Upstairs now,” he ground out. His gaze scanned the area. “We’re all going to my office. Right now.”

  She took his hint and walked up the back porch of the lodge. He didn’t want anyone spying on them. He followed closely on her heels, gripping her elbow and leading her to the stairs. He knew the rest kept close.

  Lorn released her, unlocked one side of the double doors, and threw it open. “Inside. All of you.”

  Garson, Kar, and Davis entered after Kira. Lavos came in last. Lorn slammed the door and flipped the bolt. He growled low and glared at Kira. “You promised to remain where you’d be safe. What the hell do you think you were doing?”

  “Don’t talk to my daughter that way,” Davis bristled.

  “Stay out of it, Dad.” Kira frowned. “This is between me and Lorn. I’m sorry, okay? It was driving me nuts staying inside the den, so I went outside. Then Garson got that call and I knew something was really wrong.”

  “You let her come with you?” Lorn wanted to deck Garson.

  “No! I didn’t know she was behind me. I told her to lock in and then I beat feet here. I thought she’d do as she was told.”

  Kira stepped closer and in front of Garson. “He didn’t know, Lorn. He probably broke a new speed record for reaching the lodge as fast as possible. I had a hell of a time trying to keep up with him without giving myself away. I’m the one you should be yelling at.”

  “I’m furious! You could have been hurt.”

  “I’m fine. You stopped me from killing Brista. You know she deserved it. What a bitch!”

  “She is.” Lorn couldn’t disagree. “But some VampLycans love and trust her with their young. It would have caused more problems if you’d killed her, and think of the young ones w
ho would have grieved her loss. She’s loved by some of the clan. I don’t need anyone resenting you for her death. Now she’s been publically put on notice that I won’t tolerate her actions.”

  Kira frowned. “I hate her. And you know why. It was bad enough how she treated me for being too human, but Elsa is a VampLycan, damn it! I heard what she wanted to do. She’s the one who should be staked down, and then beheaded since her ass won’t burn in the sun.”

  “Apparently, you’re not too human or Vampire now,” Kar muttered. “You smell like a VampLycan—and I saw the claws. It was extraordinary. I was impressed by the way you handled Brista. She’s got a mouth on her but not much fighting skill. You showed her.”

  Lorn snarled, shooting his enforcer a fierce look. “Don’t encourage her.”

  Kar threw up his hands and backed away, taking a seat by the desk. “Fine. I’ll be over here, being quiet. But her timing was great. You have to admit that.”

  Garson chuckled. “They didn’t believe your theory about drinking blood but then boom! There was Kira. ‘Look at my once-Vampire ass and let me dig my claws into your miserable hide’.”

  “Shut up,” Lorn ordered.

  “Hey, you wanted us here.” Garson strode over to another chair by Kar and sat. “But sure, just pretend we aren’t in the room then.”

  “Both of them have made excellent points,” Lavos added.

  Lorn snarled, fixing his narrowed eyes on his brother.

  “Kira did good,” Lavos continued. “Your enforcers know it. So should you. This wasn’t how we planned to break it to the clan that Kira not only survived, but has changed, and will be your future mate. But it’s done. Rumor will spread through the clan by morning and everyone will have heard. We’ve been agonizing over when to spring it on them. Problem solved. She tore up Brista a bit, showed them you were right about the blood exchanges, and Kira did have great timing. Take a deep breath and chill your ass out. We both know you’re more upset that it would have looked as though Kira were weak if you’d attacked Brista to protect her. It left you feeling helpless, and you suck at that.”

  “She could have been hurt.” Lorn wasn’t about to forget that anytime soon.

  “I know how to fight.” Kira drew his attention. “Trust me, Veso kicked my ass often. Now I have the strength and speed to actually avoid taking hits, while inflicting damage. I was never in real danger. Brista is too damn lazy to train or spar with anyone. Her charges are too small to be a threat to that bitch.”

  Lorn approached Kira and pulled her into his arms. “Don’t fight again. I forbid it.”

  “I’m going to be your mate,” she reminded him. “That means I’ll officially have to handle the women when there’s trouble. It’s what’s expected.”

  “Not by me.”

  She hugged him around his middle. “I’ll spar with you until you stop worrying so much. I’m pretty tough, Lorn. I got the new kickass bod.”

  He rested his chin on top of her head. “What am I going to do with you?”

  “Not much,” Davis muttered. “I’m standing right here.”

  He lifted his gaze and stared at Davis.

  “What? She’s my baby girl and you’re holding her way too close for a male who isn’t her mate yet, in front of her father.”

  Lorn didn’t let her go. “I need to ask you something. What did you have on Decker when you brought Kira here, when she was an infant?”

  Kira eased her hold around his waist and tried to turn around. Lorn let her but kept her close, refusing to let her totally out of his embrace. He’d been terrified when she’d challenged Brista and fought.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Come on, Dad. Fess up. I’m curious myself.”

  Davis sighed. “You’re not going to like it.”

  “I don’t like anything about Decker.” Lorn shrugged. “How bad could it be?”

  “Are you going to mate my daughter when the time is right?”

  “Yes. She’s my true mate.” Lorn knew that was answer enough.

  “I didn’t plan to come back to the clan after I met Kira’s mother. I knew Decker would never allow a VampLycan to mate a human. Part of me expected him to send Boon after me. He’s his favorite to track down and take out threats. I tried to get lost in the human world, and bought a small property so my mate and child would be safe. There was a dispute with the neighbor when I wanted to put up security fences. I had to learn a lot about land surveys to get that damn thing built. He said part of the property actually belonged to him. I was right and he was wrong.”

  “What does this have to do with Decker?” Lorn asked.

  “It got me thinking.” Davis walked over to the wall where a large map hung. “All the families had applied for the Homestead Act and I wondered which part of our territory legally belonged to me. We lost track of all that stuff over the years. It was just our combined territory, only divided on paperwork for the humans. I did a little research.”

  Lorn glanced at Lavos. His brother frowned.

  “It turns out I got lucky.” Davis lifted his finger and ran it along a part of the map, drawing a pattern. “This is mine.”

  Lorn’s mouth fell open.

  Davis nodded and dropped his hand to his side. “The lodge, the gas station and store, the auto shop, and hell, Decker’s home is on land I officially own. It was my ace in the hole to keep my family safe if anyone ever came after us. I got copies of everything so they couldn’t just wipe it away, and then when Kira’s mother was killed, I knew I had to come home to keep her safe from humans discovering what we were. I couldn’t trust anyone to care for her while I worked. I was afraid to ask the other clans to let me join them, since I had no idea if they’d accept me with a human-smelling baby. I had two counts against me already. I was one of Decker’s people and unsure of how they’d take the news that I’d mated a human.”

  “Son of a bitch,” Lorn rasped.

  “I told Decker that if anything happened to Kira, an already-signed deed would be sent to the biggest lumber corporation in Alaska as a gift. They’d own the town. He couldn’t wipe all their minds or make everyone disappear. I told him I’d made friends when I’d lived in the human world, ones I trusted, and that they had copies of the deed and my proof of ownership. I made it clear that if I didn’t contact that person regularly, the originals would be sent.”

  “Is it true?”

  Davis shook his head. “I never met anyone I could trust that much. Greed would have been a problem, since the land is worth money. A human could have sold it to anyone looking for a readymade small town. I buried the deed under the lodge. I figured that was the last place Decker would look—right under his damn nose. This was his crowning jewel of our territory.” Davis glanced around the office, then back at Lorn. “It kept my girl alive. He made me miserable, but he didn’t dare kill her.”

  “I heard that changed after he murdered his mate. I had to make deals with my father to keep Decker from harming Kira,” Lorn admitted.

  “They lied to manipulate you. I wasn’t aware or I would have told you not to fall for it. I’m sorry.” Davis took a seat on the edge of the conference table. “Decker only forced Kira to come home after she left because he was too afraid I’d get pissed enough to fuck him over, and return to the human world to be with my girl.”

  “And you’d send that deed and give away the land,” Lavos finished.

  Davis sighed. “Yes. Decker was relieved at first that she was gone but then he started suspecting I was the one feeding the other clans information about his activities. He had me tortured a few times but he feared flat-out killing me. I was guilty but I refused to admit it. They couldn’t break me, so he sent Boon after my baby to bring her back here. Decker could have killed her at any time, and made certain I never forgot it was my fault. It made him feel secure.”

  Lorn wasn’t surprised by Decker’s way of thinking. “Can I have the deed? I’d prefer it be locked up somewhere safe.”

  Davis smiled a
t Lorn. “You’ll be my daughter’s mate, once it’s official. I had the deed put in her name too. I’ll dig it up and bring it to you. Do you want it right now?”

  “Please. We’ve been worried Decker owned this part of the land and would try to take it from us.”

  “He wishes he did.” Davis stood. “Do you want a blood oath from me? You already have my loyalty since you obviously have my daughter’s heart. I’ll sign my ownership over to you if you ask it of me. “

  Lorn shook his head. “I trust you, Davis. We don’t need a blood oath. Nor do I worry you’ll do anything to harm the clan. I just want that deed locked up. We changed the combination to the safe.”

  “I’d like to keep running the lodge. I hated it at first. It was meant to be a punishment from Decker, but I find that it’s something I enjoy.”

  “You don’t even have to ask. I could use all the help I can get.”

  “Thanks.” Davis paused beside them, giving Lorn a look. “Mate my daughter soon. I know you’re sleeping with her.” He unlocked the door and left.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Kira watched everyone leave the office before Lorn locked the door, leaving the two of them alone. He turned, leaned against it, and scowled. “I’m still angry with you.”

  “I know.”

  “It could have gone wrong a hundred ways.”

  “You mean Brista could have handed me my ass?”

  “Or your head. You can’t heal from that.” He pushed away from the door and closed the distance between them. “It scared the hell out of me. I wanted to jump between the two of you. I knew I couldn’t without diminishing what you were trying to do. What happened to you promising to stay inside the den?” He grabbed her and yanked her close, cupping her cheek with one hand, his arm wrapped around her waist. “I can’t fucking lose you, Kira.”

  “I knew it had to be something bad for Kar to call Garson to the lodge. I was worried. I can’t lose you, either.”