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Lorn Page 25

  She suddenly gasped and her pale skin pinkened where the sun touched it.

  Lorn’s reaction was swift, shoving his body forward and covering hers. He kicked the release, the cage lowering.

  “Damn it!” Her muffled voice clearly told him she was upset.

  “You lasted almost a minute. That’s something. Are you alright?”

  “It hurts but the arm is still there. Was it bad? Did it blister?”

  “Hang on.”

  They reached the bottom and he just grabbed Kira, lifting her off her feet and storming down the short hallway and inside his den. He left the door open at his back as he gently placed her ass on the table, shoving the covering off. A large portion of her arm and hand had suffered mild sunburn but wasn’t blistered. He sighed, staring into her eyes.

  “It’s not bad.”

  Tears welled in her eyes and slipped freely down her face.

  “Does it hurt?”

  “I thought it would work.”

  “It is. It took time for your skin to react and the damage is much milder than it should have been.”

  She nodded. “Right. That’s progress.”

  “Exactly.” He leaned over, using his thumbs to wipe away her tears. “We have hope.”

  “We’ll try again tomorrow.”

  “Damn it, Kira.” She drove him to madness.


  He held out his arm. “Drink and heal.”


  He snarled. “Bite, damn it. It looks uncomfortable.”

  She gently took his arm in both of her hands and licked the meaty part of his flesh, just above his wrist. He didn’t tense as she gently bit, her skill at it improving, since it didn’t hurt. He expected her to get turned on and his cock reacted. He always wanted Kira.

  It surprised him when she just calmly drank and then let him go, licking the wound to seal it. He inhaled, not picking up arousal from her. “Are you in that much pain?”

  She gazed at him. “What?”

  “You didn’t experience any bloodlust.”

  “Oh.” She grinned. “I didn’t.” She looked down. “Wow!”

  He studied her arm. The redness faded fast, her skin healing at a swift rate before their eyes.

  “That doesn’t suck at all. I’ve been sunburned before. It took a long time to go away.”

  He scooped her up. “Did you sleep?”


  “We’re sleeping.”

  He took her to bed and curled around her. She noticed the condition of his erect cock and tried to roll to face him. He tightened his hold. “Get some rest.”


  “I have three meetings in a few hours. Sleep, Kira. I love you.”

  She sighed. “I guess the honeymoon phase is over.”

  He chuckled. “Not even close. I’m behaving because you just got burned and you look tired. Tonight when I get back home, I’m going to spend hours making love to you.”


  Chapter Fifteen

  Kira had cabin fever. She paced. It drove her crazy to stay inside the cramped den. Lorn had left and wouldn’t be home for hours.

  Her attention turned to the kitchen and she decided to attempt food.

  “Baby steps,” she sighed, scrambling eggs in a pan on the single-burner camp stove. The smell didn’t make her feel sick as they quickly cooked. She took a seat at the table and sniffed. They were actually appealing.

  It felt strange to put a fork into her mouth after days of only drinking blood. The texture was one she knew well. Scrambled eggs were usually a favorite quick breakfast. She only wished she had bread. Toast would have been great with it.

  She chewed and swallowed a few bites, paused, waiting to see how her body responded. A few minutes later, thrilled about having no ill side effects, she finished eating them and washed the dishes.

  “I need to get out of here.” She stared at the door before crossing the room, shoving it open, and entering the lift. “I can’t take it anymore.”

  Fresh air was a wonderful thing as she inhaled once she reached ground level and climbed up one of the boulders. A quick scan of the area didn’t show her Kar’s heat signature. He wasn’t within sight. She leapt off the boulder and landed in a crouch, rose up and smiled.

  Scents came to her. Most of them she could identify. The wild flowers that grew in the sun patches between the trees were sweet. A slightly musky smell drew her attention to the far left and she narrowed her eyes, staring in that direction. The dense trees hid it at first but then she saw what looked like a bear.

  “What are you doing out?”

  She startled and spun, gawking at Garson.

  “You’re supposed to stay inside Lorn’s den.”

  “I didn’t see or hear you.” She paused, sniffed. “Or smell you.”

  “I’m downwind. I didn’t want to be tracked here in case anyone from the clan followed to see where I snuck off to. And I rolled around in the grass. It’s an effective way to cover scents. I smelled you.”

  “Do I stink?” She still worried about that since becoming a Vampire.

  “You mostly smell like Lorn.” He came closer, stopping a few feet away. “I know what you’re thinking.”

  “You do?”

  “Vampires can carry a coppery scent from drinking blood, and rogues stink of dirt and other gross shit since they don’t bathe enough. Some carry a decayed smell.” He inhaled. “I’m happy to say you don’t.”

  “Well, that’s good.”

  “You don’t smell the way you did though. The human scent is totally gone. May I?”

  She nodded.

  He leaned in close to her throat and his hot breath fanned her skin. He sniffed deeply and straightened. “You smell like VampLycan and cooked eggs.”

  “Really? Or is it just Lorn?”

  “Does it matter? Anyone who comes into contact with you will read you as one of ours. It seems the blood exchange is working.”

  “I was up during the day and withstood some sunlight for a short period of time before it started to burn my skin.”

  “I heard.” Garson glanced around. “I was also told you promised to stay below ground. I’m your guard tonight.”

  “I needed to get out.”

  “I get it. We weren’t meant to remain cooped up inside small spaces.”

  “I’d like to test out what I can do now. Is that okay? I’ll stay close.”

  “What’re you planning?”

  “I don’t know yet. Maybe see how fast I can run or how high I can jump. I’ve never had these abilities before.”

  “Veso trained you how to fight.” He stepped back. “Do you want to spar?”

  “Uh…no.” The notion of fighting with someone she didn’t know all that well didn’t appeal to her. Garson had never been mean to her when they’d grown up together but he’d avoided her like everyone else. She wouldn’t exactly call him a friend. “But thanks for the offer.”

  His phone rang and he removed it from his pocket, glanced at the screen, and held his finger to his lips as he answered it. He pressed it to his ear. “What’s up?”

  Kira heard the response with her keener hearing. “Trouble. Get back here.”

  “I’m on my way.” He hung up. “Go back inside the den and lock in. I’ll be back.”

  “Who was that?”

  “Kar.” He spun, shoving the phone back inside his pocket. “Move, Kira. Get inside.” He took off, running fast.

  Kira hesitated, torn over what to do—then took off after him.

  It was easy to see Garson’s slightly glowing heat signature. He could really move though, and it took effort to keep up since she wasn’t used to running far distances in her new body. She just hoped she stayed back far enough that he wouldn’t figure out that she’d ignored his order.

  She realized he headed toward the lodge and slowed a little in case the wind shifted to reveal her scent, or any noise big enough for him to hear over the ones he made as
he rushed to get to Kar. Lorn would be with him.

  Her feet hurt a little since she hadn’t worn shoes outside, but she’d discovered it was easy to leap over fallen logs and small bushes in her path. Garson sped out of her sight and she stopped for a minute, thinking.

  There were homes ahead and she wanted to avoid them, so she circled around, going at the lodge from the side. Lights blazed from the windows on all three floors of the big building. It was easy to scale the hill it sat on. She hid in the shadows at the top, caught her breath and waited.

  It didn’t take long before shouts sounded from around the back. She crept that way, staying in the thick trees to prevent anyone from easily spotting her.

  Lorn, Kar, Garson, her father, and one other VampLycan she couldn’t identify from the back stood facing a small group of the clan. Brista seemed to be the group’s leader, since she was in front, her mouth moving. Kira couldn’t pick up the exact words but they were hissed, the tone angry. She cautiously inched closer.

  “Enough!” Lorn bellowed. “I settled this yesterday. Those children aren’t to be harmed.”

  “They’re dangerous,” Brista argued, her voice louder. “They could bite the other children. The law is the law!”

  “Laws change,” Lorn snarled. “You heard me tell Perri her young were safe. I’ll not be made a liar.”

  “You’re just assuming feeding them blood from strong ones will work.” Brista threw out her arms. “Who told you that? Other clans? They’re liars who would love for us to lose children. That’s why they gave you bad information. You’re being a fool! You’ll get our youngest murdered.”

  The unknown VampLycan turned enough for Kira to identify Bran. Veso’s father hadn’t liked her much but he’d been cordial the few times they’d had contact. “I don’t believe that’s true. No one wishes for harm to come to children.”

  “If you weren’t a woman, I’d deck you, Brista.” Lorn stepped closer. “You stay the hell away from those kids. Do you understand me? Anything happens to them and I’m holding you responsible, since it seems you’ve used fear to get these parents to come with you tonight.” He glared at the small group gathered. “Your small ones aren’t in danger.”

  Dobis cleared his throat. “My baby is barely two years old. What if Perri’s daughter decides to go after mine because she’s too weak to defend herself? We live close to their home.”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Kar said. “Is that what you think of Elsa? She’s too sweet for her own good. She won’t lure your child out of her bed to bleed her dry. Shame on you! That girl puked her guts up going hunting with the women last summer and cried over their kills. She’s babysat your daughter, hasn’t she? She’d never murder a child, and especially one she’s cared for.”

  Dobis stepped up next to Brista. “But the blood tells, and Perri’s children are tainted. It’s only a matter of time before Elsa hunts, and it won’t be my child she attacks! That’s why they must be staked and destroyed. It’s for the good of the clan!”

  “Yeah,” Zober agreed. “Elsa has babysat most of our young when Brista was at meetings. They trust Elsa, and would think nothing of going to her. I’m not willing to risk my young over lies you’ve been told by other clans.”

  “Everyone calm down,” Garson demanded.

  “You don’t have children. Stay out of this,” Brista spat. “It’s my duty to defend all the young and assure their safety. I demand we stake and destroy Perri’s young before they go after other children!”

  Memories surfaced of Brista treating Kira like crap. Now the bitch was trying to get VampLycan kids killed. Elsa was a soft-spoken girl who hadn’t been mean to anyone that Kira knew of, yet Brista still wanted to kill her. It infuriated Kira, and she clenched her teeth.

  “You have no proof of blood donations working,” Dobis stated. “But we know what happens if we allow those abominations to gain strength and the hunger sets in. They’re tainted with the bloodlust. Elsa was a good child but now she’s vile. I won’t allow children to die because you’re listening to clans who hate us.”

  “I’ll personally see that it’s handled. It’s my job. Otherwise I’ll have every parent opposing you, Lorn. I won’t sleep until those children are destroyed and my babies are safe!”

  Lorn snarled, his claws coming out. “Don’t threaten me, Brista.”

  That was it. Kira had heard enough. She pushed away from the tree she hid behind and raced toward the group. “Hey, bitch! I mean, Brista. You want proof? Here it is. You touch Elsa and I have no problem doing more than decking you. I’ll stake your ass out in the sun all day and rip off your head!”

  All eyes turned her way. Kira glared at Brista though, refusing to look at Lorn. He’d be pissed but she was too mad to care. Brista was a bully, and she’d be damned if she allowed her to use her position as the clan caregiver to the youths to kill some of them.


  She still refused to glance at Lorn. He sounded pissed. She marched forward and walked between Garson and Bran. She put her back to Lorn, glaring up at Brista.

  “Inhale, bitch. What do you smell?” Kira hoped Garson hadn’t been lying about how she scented.

  Shock widened Brista’s eyes.

  Kira lifted her hands and shoved Brista hard. It sent the other woman stumbling backward. She would have fallen except she hit the VampLycans gathered behind her and they stopped her from landing on her ass.

  “That was a love tap. I’m a hell of a lot stronger than when you used to torment me as a child.” She met Dobis’s stunned gaze. “My death was greatly exaggerated. I was attacked, turned into a Vampire, but I’ve been drinking blood from Lorn. I’m eating food, spent a little time in the sun today, and I so don’t want to suck your blood. You wanted proof? Here I am. It strengthened my Lycan side to drink from Lorn, and guess what I am now? VampLycan. So take your little lynch mob and go home.”

  Dobis sniffed, paled a little, and backed up.

  “Kira, come here,” Lorn demanded in a gruff voice.

  “I’ll be right there. Please allow me one more minute?” It would be bad to oppose him by flat-out refusing to do his bidding in front of the clan, so she hoped that response wouldn’t raise eyebrows.

  Lorn nodded once, and Kira fixed her attention on Brista. “Our new clan leader doesn’t want to hit women, but I have no qualms about beating your ass. Veso trained me well. I’m still learning how to shift but I’ll do it in skin, minus claws. You claim you’re always looking out for the clan kids but we both know that’s a lie. Why don’t you tell them how badly you treat kids you view as weak VampLycans?”

  Kira glanced at the faces of the parents. “You all have young ones. What if they show Vampire traits when they go through puberty, or if Brista considers them weaker than she thinks they should be? Would you like me to tell you how shitty I was treated? She’ll allow other kids to attack them—just like she let them attack me.”

  “Because you’re weak!” Brista growled.

  “Not anymore. A clan caregiver is supposed to be kind and encouraging to kids. Did you ever try to help me enhance any traits I might have been born with? That would be hell no. You let the other kids torment and beat me. You flat-out encouraged them to be cruel. You’re a fucking bully and you get off on targeting weaker kids it’s your duty to protect! Like Elsa. Have you even gone to see her? Talked to her? I doubt it. You’re just looking for an excuse to kill. You’re pathetic and make me sick.”

  She looked at every parent in the group. “Your kids could be next. Think about that. They aren’t grown yet. They could inherit traits and be deemed not worthy of living once they hit puberty. Are you actually going to back the bitch who’s itching to kill them? Or the honorable man who’s trying to do whatever he can to keep them alive? Drinking Lorn’s blood has saved me. What if Elsa was your daughter? Think long and hard about that, folks. Do you want your kid murdered—or at least given a chance to change, the way I have? I was almost full Vampire. Not any longer.”
  Slowly, most of the parents moved away from the caregiver. Only two remained near her.

  Brista turned her head to glower at the ones who’d distanced themselves. “Cowards. You know must what be done!”

  “You need your ass kicked,” Kira stated. “You’re a bloodthirsty bitch with a hard-on for helpless kids. It’s sad that Decker put you in charge of the youths, but then again, he was a total bloodthirsty bastard.”

  Brista snarled, whipped her head in Kira’s direction, and lunged.

  She dodged when Brista unleashed her claws and tried to take a swipe at her face.

  Kira grabbed the front of her shirt with one hand and caught Brista by her wrist. Rage and years of resentment from her childhood rose. She squeezed and felt bone snap in her grasp, and Brista screamed from the pain. Kira threw her as if she weighed nothing. Brista hit the ground on her back and got up quickly, cradling her arm.

  “I’m going to kill you! I wanted to when you were a child. You were weak and a disgrace. Decker is an amazing leader! His only mistake was allowing you to live. You were a blight on this clan!” Brista spit on the ground. “Your father is disgusting for mating a human and breeding.”

  Davis snarled. Kira ignored her dad. “Stay back. This bitch is mine.” It was directed at Lorn too. She only hoped he would listen. “It’s my right to fight. I’m a VampLycan and she just threatened my life. You dare insult my mother, Brista? She was ten times the woman you could ever be.”

  Kira’s fingers tingled and she glanced down, watching as something grew out of the nail beds. It hurt a little but the shock of seeing them actually kept her from wincing. They looked sharp, extended about an inch, and they were beautiful.

  Oh my God. I have claws! I grew claws!!

  Brista snarled and stepped closer. Kira got over her surprise. She’d been bluffing earlier about being able to shift at all, never really expecting to gain that ability.

  Instead of making fists, she kept her hands open and avoided Brista’s one good arm when she tried to make another swipe at her face and eyes. Kira drove her fingers straight into Brista’s side, her new claws tearing through the material and into skin.