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Coto's Captive Page 8

  She gaped at him until Coto rushed out of the house. He spotted Vhon and barreled toward him, throwing his arms around the guy in a bear hug.

  “It’s so good to find you safe.”

  Vhon hugged him back. “I am glad to see you. I wasn’t sure if anyone else survived.”

  Coto released him and seemed to notice his clothing. “Where is your uniform?”

  “Buried. I wanted to fit in.” He waved his arms down his body. “What do you think? I totally could pull off being human, couldn’t I? Jeans are comfortable. I would have exchanged my shoes too but I couldn’t find any that fit my feet. Whoever used to live here had small ones.”

  Holion cleared his throat. “Of course we are human. We’re leprechauns.”

  Vhon shot a horrified look at Holion. “That’s your cover story?”

  “Yes. Gar has evidence of what we are and showed the woman.”

  Vhon suddenly laughed and peered at Lynn. “Did you tell him what they are? I know. I learn everything I can about Earth culture. It’s fascinating.”

  She shook her head. “I just say okay a lot,” she admitted.

  He chuckled. “I apologize.”

  “What is going on? What is entertaining?” Holion sounded pissed.

  “Leprechauns aren’t real life forms,” Vhon informed him. “They are stories told to children that involve tales of pots of gold to make humans wealthy and powerful.”

  “You’re wrong. We have proof,” Holion protested. “Show him, Gar.”

  Gar withdrew the ad and passed it to Vhon. He studied it and snickered. “This is a cartoon. It’s a drawing to amuse children. It’s clear this tavern wanted to draw parents to bring their young to this event.”

  Lynn smothered a grin. Some men act like kids. She wasn’t about to clarify that it was a bar that served adult beverages.

  “Enough,” Coto ordered. “It doesn’t matter. Lynn knows the truth. I told her everything.”

  “You’re taking her to Zorn with us?” Holion grimaced.

  “You’ve claimed her?” Vhon spoke at the same time. “Cool beans. She’ll get along great with the other women in our family.”

  “Stop speaking that nonsense,” Holion snarled. “Why are you talking about food? The real issue is that Coto cared more about the woman than he did about finding you. His need to claim an Earth woman overruled his duty.”

  Coto snarled and took a threatening step forward.

  Vhon reacted faster. His easygoing demeanor swiftly changed. He attacked Holion, grabbing him by the front of his uniform and getting in his face.

  “Stop being such a kiss-ass,” Vhon warned, his voice harsh. “That is Earth slang, meaning that I know you are saying words, wanting me to be angry with Coto, so I ask my father to demote him and give you his standing within our family. It is never going to happen. The woman is very attractive. Coto can court a woman and look for me at the same time. I would do the same. Now shut your mouth if you are smart before he beats you like a piñata. That’s Earth slang for kicking your ass so hard it will be merciful if you survive.” He shoved him and stepped back, staring at Coto. “What a tool.”

  “I don’t know what that means but I agree if it’s an insult.” Coto backed away and stepped next to Lynn.

  Vhon addressed Coto. “It is. I’ll teach you Earth slang so you can communicate with your woman better.”

  “She hasn’t agreed to come home with us yet.” Coto glanced at her. “I wish her to. I’m giving her time to get to know me better.”

  “He’s a great guy.” Vhon winked at Lynn. “He’s a good fighter, also an excellent provider, and he’d be as loyal to you as the day is long. We’re way better than Earth men. They can cheat and lie. Coto has honor and always keeps his word.”

  “Enough,” Coto grumbled.

  “I’m talking you up to her. Be cool.” Vhon smiled at Lynn. “I would totally say yes to him if I were a girl. He’s got lots of muscles and all our warriors have big swords.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “And we know how to use them. We have stamina too. Lots of that.”

  Lynn couldn’t help but laugh. Vhon wasn’t what she had expected and he had a good sense of humor.

  “Enough,” Coto repeated.

  Vhon sucked in a deep breath and shot Coto an irritated look. “Fine. I’m trying to help you out.” He caught Lynn’s eye. “You’ll enjoy our food. I have three sisters-in-law and a stepmother from Earth. They love Zorn and are happy to live there. You’ll have a built-in Earth family. I’m done now.”

  A faint buzz sounded and Coto reached down and pulled out one of those communicator devices from his pocket. “It must be one of our ships.” He pushed a button, making the sides of it light up. “This is Coto.”

  “It is good you are alive. What is the status of Argis Vhon?” The man had a raspy voice.

  “We all survived the crash. There are none seriously injured. Our ship was destroyed. How long until you can reach us?”

  “Eighteen hours.”

  “We will be ready. There is cleanup to be done.”

  “Understood. Ending transmission.”

  Coto turned it off and returned it to his pocket. He held Lynn’s gaze. “Our time is shorter than I estimated.”

  He was leaving in the morning. She wasn’t certain how to feel about that. It wasn’t as if he were moving to another town or even another country. It would be impossible for her to visit him. She glanced up at the blue sky, then him. Her chest tightened and it was difficult to breathe.

  “Why don’t we all go inside?” Vhon motioned to the other men.

  “We should return to our camp,” Holion argued.

  “Geez, you’re thickheaded.” Vhon sighed. “Get inside and give them a little privacy.” He spun, striding toward the broken front door. “Follow me. That’s an order as your Argis. Not you, Coto.”

  Lynn waited until they were alone and swallowed hard. Coto stepped closer and brushed her hair away from her cheek. They just stared at each other until she finally couldn’t take the silence anymore.

  “Are you coming back to Earth soon?”

  “It’s uncertain. Berrr won’t be happy that we were attacked. He might station a war ship to protect the planet from Collis. It would mean they’d have to stay far enough away to prevent Earth from detecting us. He’ll also be concerned that we weren’t able to hide our visit and might ban anyone from returning here for a long time. We don’t wish to frighten humans.”


  “It’s possible I won’t be able to return for years, if ever.”

  That pain in her chest increased.

  “Have you considered leaving with me?”

  Part of her was tempted to say yes. It was a terrifying concept though. She’d have to leave behind everyone and everything she knew and face so many uncertainties that she had a difficult time trying to imagine them. She had a job, a house payment, and how could she give up one life for another?

  “Can you stay here with me? I mean, you could always contact Zorn if you wanted to go home later.”

  “I can’t do that, Lynn.” He wrapped his fingers around the back of her neck, gently cupping her there. “It would be impossible for me to fit into your society.”

  She studied his features, knowing he spoke the truth.

  “We’re aware of the kind of reception Earth could give an alien. We’ve been studying your society. They would fear me, examine me, and I wouldn’t live long in captivity. They wouldn’t allow you to be with me. I’d face certain death.”

  He was right. She knew it. They’d probably dissect him within a week of discovering him. That would be the least of it, if the military wanted to torture him to learn everything they could about his people and their technology.

  Coto tried hard to think of what to say to convince Lynn to return to Zorn with him. “I’d do anything to make you happy. I know you reacted badly when I told you women and men are not equal on my planet. I’m larger and physically stronger but I see you as my equal. We
would be married.” He wasn’t sure if it would be a good thing or not to point it out but she was a woman. “We can have children. It’s been done. Our races are compatible.”

  “Do you want children?”

  He couldn’t determine from her expression or tone how she hoped he would answer. He decided to be honest. “I would with you. I would be honored for you to be the mother of my sons and daughters.”

  “I have family and friends…”

  “I understand that. It would be difficult for you, but you would have me. We would have each other. There, you would have a family of your heart. They will accept you with gladness. You will have other Earth women to talk to and spend time with. I’m certain you will grow close to them and bond.”

  “I don’t know. This is so fast.”

  He was losing her. A sense of panic struck. He didn’t want to leave her behind and never see her again. Argernon had just taken his Casey. It was tempting to toss Lynn over his shoulder and refuse to let her go. Casey had forgiven her bound. They were happy. It was possible though that she’d grow to hate him. He couldn’t stand it if he hurt Lynn and caused her pain. The choice must be hers.

  “Stay with me until our ship arrives. It will give us more time.”

  “You found Vhon, and I have to get back to my life. I’ll also need to report Mr. Avery’s death.” She grimaced. “That’s going to be a nightmare. They’ll look for a murder suspect. I’ll wait until tomorrow afternoon to do that, and find an excuse to head to his cabin then, after you’re gone. I’ll lie and say I just found him.”

  “Stay with me tonight.”

  “Jimmy’s place is close and that’s where I left my SUV. I really do need to go back. It would be bad if they sent out a search party for me and came across you and your men. You need time to clean up. I heard what you said.”

  He leaned down and just took her mouth, kissing her. He put his emotions into it. Lynn responded and he wrapped both his arms around her. She dropped the shotgun on the ground and clung to him. He resisted the urge to take her to the ground. Anyone could walk out of the human dwelling. She finally pulled her mouth from his and he stared deeply into her eyes.

  “Don’t make me say goodbye to you.”

  Tears filled her eyes but she blinked them back. “Don’t make this any harder. I’m never going to forget you but I can’t just walk away from my entire life. People would worry about me. I can’t do that to my family and friends. It’s not like I can call them on the phone from your planet, right?”

  “You can’t.”

  “I figured. Put me down, Coto.”

  He didn’t want to let her go but he lowered her to her feet and stepped back, breaking their connection. Lynn bent and retrieved the shotgun. “I’m never going to forget you. Ever. I have to go.” Her voice broke. “Take care of yourself and don’t get into any more space battles with Collis.”

  She spun away and took off down the hill. He tensed, the urge to go after her almost impossible to resist. He fisted his hands, forcing his body to remain stiff and still. She’d hate him if he forced her to leave her planet. He just couldn’t hurt her that way, even if watching her disappear down the hill made his chest hurt.

  He heard footsteps behind him and tore his gaze from Lynn’s retreating back. Vhon spoke first. “She’s not coming with you?”

  “It’s too painful for her to leave her world.”

  “I’m so sorry, man.” Vhon just stood there, looking at him sorrowfully. “We could take her. Our brother got away with it. It worked out for him and Casey. I’ll tell our father that we had to do it to ensure she didn’t tell anyone about our visit.”

  “She won’t do that. I trust Lynn. I’d rather lose her than make her suffer the loss of all she loves.”

  Vhon reached out and gripped his shoulder. “You’re a good, honorable warrior.”

  “It hurts,” he admitted. “I never believed I could become so deeply attached to a female that fast.”

  “Love at first sight. I believe in that. I long for it.”

  Holion came out of the house. “Where is the woman?”

  “Gone,” Vhon answered.

  Holion snarled. “She will tell the humans about us and they will come to attack before we leave the surface! Which way did she go? I will silence her.”

  Vhon dropped his hand off Coto’s shoulder. “Kick his ass. It will make you feel better.”

  Coto didn’t need any encouragement. Holion was a threat to Lynn. He snarled and went after the male.

  Chapter Seven

  Lynn hid Mr. Avery’s shotgun inside her SUV and barely had time to close up the back when she heard footsteps and turned. Jimmy trudged toward her.

  “Did you find that beast and take it out?”

  “I found what killed your dogs. Problem solved.”

  “It took you long enough.” He seemed to notice what she wore. “What the hell happened to you?”

  His question caused memories of Coto to stream through her mind. “It’s a long story and it’s not one I plan to share with you. I’m going home.”

  She tried to move around him to reach the front of her vehicle, happy she kept a spare set of keys stashed in the glove box since she’d lost hers. Jimmy grabbed her arm.

  “What was it?”

  A really amazing alien man. “A bobcat with rabies.”

  “Shit. I keep telling Mr. Avery he needs to pay someone to check his property. That means it will spread. I’ll have crazy raccoons and squirrels coming onto my property.”

  “I’ll talk to him about it tomorrow.” It would give her a valid excuse to visit the cabin and “discover” the body. “Right now I want to take a shower and sleep in a real bed.”

  “You can use mine. I’ll even wash your back…or anything else you want.” He leered at her chest.

  “In your dreams, dirtbag.” She jerked out of his hold. She opened the driver’s door and climbed inside but Jimmy grabbed hold of the edge, not allowing her to close it.

  “You might not be such a bitch if you got laid. Face it, Lynn, I’m probably the best of the bunch. Tim is better looking but he’s a mean drunk. Craig can’t hold a job so you’d have to support his ass and we all know he’s nailing Miller’s wife every chance he can. Everyone else is either too old or way too young, unless you start trolling them right out of high school. Plus, I can get you high for free. Let’s go in my house.”

  “Get out of my way.”

  He refused to let go of the door when she tried to close it. He actually stepped forward, putting his body in the path of it. “You know you want me. Just do it. Do me.” He licked his lips. “Come on, baby.”

  Her temper flared. She was done. “You want me to touch you?”

  “Yeah.” He grinned.


  She twisted on the seat and kicked out her foot, nailing him in the crotch. He cried out and doubled over, stumbling back as he grabbed at the front of his pants.

  Lynn slammed the door. She locked it and then leaned across the console, opened the glove box and retrieved her spare keys.

  “You bitch!” Jimmy hit her window. “I’ll get even with you.”

  She shoved the key in the ignition and started the engine. She flipped him off and put on her seatbelt.

  “I’m going to get you fired!” He tried to open her door but it wouldn’t budge.

  She figured he would call his uncle over that little stunt but she was fed up with his threats. It was possible the Zorn ways had rubbed off on her but she didn’t feel an ounce of guilt. It felt good to hit the creep. She threw the SUV in drive and slammed her foot down on the accelerator, taking off.

  She forgot about the metal gate at the end of the long driveway. Jimmy probably wouldn’t show up to unlock it and let her out so she just rammed it. The thin chain snapped and the chain-link fence popped open. She drove out, merging onto the double-lane road that led into town.

  Her little house was a welcome sight as she parked in front of the garage an
d locked up the SUV. She had to use the hideaway key under the planter to let herself in. After locking the door behind her, Lynn stopped, the utter silence hitting her as she studied her mismatched hand-me-down furniture and a few pieces she’d managed to buy on her own.

  “Damn.” She put the keys on the table and checked her answering machine. There were no messages. She walked into the kitchen and opened her fridge, staring at the meager contents. She grabbed a soda, opened it, and took a sip.

  “My life sucks,” she muttered.

  She entered her bedroom, rested the soda can on her dresser, and began to strip. A shower would make her feel better. She stepped inside the cramped bathroom and turned on the water, taking time to brush her teeth as she waited for the old water heater to kick in. A few minutes later she tested the temperature and cursed. It was barely lukewarm.

  “Fantastic. It’s out again.”

  She clenched her teeth and just stepped under the stream of water. Goose bumps rose along her body but she suffered through it while she scrubbed her hair and soaped up. She rinsed and got out of the shower. She dried off and put on a robe, returning to her room.

  She picked up the phone and dialed her father. He answered on the third ring. “Hi, Dad.”

  “Hi, baby.”

  “I was just thinking about you.”

  “That’s so sweet, honey. I can’t really talk right now. Me and my buddies are about to go fishing. Kip bought a new boat. You really should take some time off and come down to Florida to visit me. Retiring here was the best decision I’ve ever made.”

  She might not have a job. That would free up her schedule. “I’d like that. We haven’t seen each other in two years.”

  “Wow. It’s been that long?”

  “Yes. Time flies when you’re having fun.”

  “I sure am. Just don’t come next month. I’m going on that senior cruise.” He chuckled. “Not the month after that either. That’s when we’re going to Mexico.”

  He was always busy. She didn’t blame him. There wasn’t much to do in Green Bend. He’d moved to a retirement community and made a bunch of friends who liked to travel.