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Lorn Page 20

  Lorn’s relief turned into pain as Amos caught him with a clawed fist to his stomach.

  Lorn instantly grabbed Amos’s wrist, jerking those claws out, and drove his own into the elder’s chin. His claws tore through soft flesh and he yanked hard, bone snapping as he ripped open the lower part of the man’s face.

  Amos made a choking sound and froze, seemingly stunned by either the pain or the blood that filled his extremely damaged mouth.

  Lorn went in for the kill. He punched into Amos’s chest with his other hand, breaking ribs in the process of piercing his heart. He lifted the elder off his feet, ripped his claws free of his jaw, and grabbed him by his throat.

  “Rest well, elder.”

  Lorn slammed him to the ground, pinning him down by sitting on Amos’s chest and using his knees to trap the VampLycan’s arms at his side. He tore into his chest with both claws until he’d removed the heart and dropped it on the ground. He showed the same mercy as they had given others. None.

  Lorn lifted his head and found Lavos watching him with a grim expression. Muller lay on the ground. Lavos had torn open his throat. A small amount of movement from Muller’s chest proved he still breathed.

  “End it,” Lorn rasped. “We have no room in our clan for the dishonorable.”

  Lavos nodded. “Agreed. He’d just heal and keep coming at us any way he could.”

  Lorn stared down at Amos and shook his head. “Decker’s ways are as dead as you.” He climbed to his feet.

  Lavos finished off Muller by removing his head, and then joined Lorn. “You’re hurt.”

  Lorn gripped his stomach. It hurt but the bleeding had slowed. “He didn’t disembowel me. That’s what he tried to do but I reacted too quickly to allow him to rip me wide open. I’ll heal.”

  “We should let Vasilla look at you.”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  Lavos bent to examine Lorn’s stomach closer and visibly winced. “Seriously. It might be a good idea to go to our healer to make certain he didn’t puncture anything vital. You won’t die but you could get sick for a day if he ripped open your intestines. She could use dissolvable stitches to sew you up. You’d heal faster.”

  “Kira hates Vasilla. I won’t allow her to touch me. The pain isn’t bad and it won’t kill me.”

  “Kira doesn’t like our healer so you refuse to be checked out?” Lavos gaped at him.

  “She got hurt once and I carried her to Vasilla for treatment. She snubbed her nose and refused to touch someone ‘not worthy’ of her time.”

  “She’s our clan healer. The bitch went to medical school on clan money and everything! What the hell was her problem? Because Kira was so human?”

  Lorn nodded and walked over to Kar. He assessed his injuries. “You good?”

  “I’ll live.” Kar rolled his shoulder. “It got dislocated but I managed to pop it back in.”

  “Thank you. You fought well.”

  Kar grinned at Lorn. “That was actually fun. Did you see that? Five against two and we killed their asses. I’m so going to brag about this. It’s going to get me laid.”

  Lavos looked amused. “It’s all about impressing the women with you.”

  “A guy has to have a hobby.” Kar winked. “Wait until Garson hears. He’s going to be pissed he missed out on this action.”

  “First we need to take care of the bodies, Kar.” Lorn didn’t need to look at the carnage again. “Notify their families. They can either bury or burn them when someone comes to retrieve what’s left.”

  “Don’t you want me to take the bodies to their families?”

  Lorn held Kar’s gaze. “No. That will be the first change in our clan. VampLycans who show no honor, deserve none in return. You may relay that to whoever you notify of their deaths. I want word to spread of what happened here, and seeing is believing. I don’t want anyone with Decker loyalties to spread false rumors that we slaughtered them in their beds or something. I wouldn’t put it past them. It’s clear they attacked us en masse. Leave everything just as it is.”

  “Got it.” Kar glanced around. “That’ll definitely send a message and prevent anyone from twisting the truth.”

  “Yes, it will.” Lorn jerked his head. “Come with me, Lavos. We’re going to the lodge.”

  They began to walk but Lavos stopped before they got too far. “Damn it. Let’s go see Vasilla. You’re still clutching your stomach. Does it hurt that much?”

  “It’s getting better. I’m just applying pressure to totally stop the bleeding. I’d hate to address my new clan with my crotch soaked red. They’d wonder if I got damaged in that area…”

  “Ah.” Lavos smirked. “You don’t want any of the unmated women trying to get your pants off to make sure everything’s in working order. I know some who would. But that’s another reason you should visit our healer. She always carries spare clothing in her home.”

  Lorn exasperation rose. “I won’t do that to Kira.”

  “I get that Vasilla was a bitch to her when she was a kid but you got claw-punched in the gut, for fuck’s sake. Kira will get over it.”

  “It wasn’t just her treatment of Kira. Vasilla came after me often as a youth.”

  Lavos spread his hands, in a “so?” gesture, looking confused.

  “She offered to teach me all about sex just after my fourteenth year. Is that clear enough? I became her target. She’d track me into the woods then boldly make her intentions known.”

  “Shit. Fourteen? She’s like a hundred.”

  “She said I reminded her of a lover she’d once lost. It doesn’t matter. Kira was with me all the time back then. Vasilla would order her to go away so she could get me alone. Kira refused to leave and threatened to tell the others.” He suddenly growled. “My Kira has always had a fierce spirit, and she appointed herself my protector. Vasilla went after her once to punish her for interfering. The bitch smacked Kira and knocked her down. I wasn’t fast enough to get between them to protect her. She could have been seriously hurt if Vasilla had used claws.”

  “What did you do?”

  “I snarled at Vasilla and told her I’d rip off her arm if she ever touched Kira again. She realized I meant it. We were snarling at each other and suddenly a big rock slammed into Vasilla’s face. Kira pitched about ten of them before Vasilla ran away.” Lorn smiled wide. “Kira began carrying rocks in her pockets and would throw them at Vasilla when she came near me. She hates the woman for what she tried to do and how uncomfortable it made me.”

  “Did you ever…you know? After you started avoiding Kira?”

  “Hell no! I told Vasilla I’d stick my dick into a bear’s den with cubs and let the mother rip me to shreds before I’d go to her bed. The point is, I won’t allow Vasilla to touch me. See the problem?”

  “Your mate would get jealous.”

  “I’ve hurt her enough where other women are concerned. I won’t let one touch me, even if she is the clan healer. We should have two, anyway. Perhaps a man.”

  “Jase loves animals and tends to injured ones. He might be interested.” Lavos began to walk again. “He’s been getting abuse from his trainers because his heart isn’t into learning how to fight. He’s too gentle. I could bring it up and ask.”

  “Do it.” Lorn kept pace with his brother. “We’ll speak to all the trainers about their treatment of youths. It’s one thing to teach defense but another when they’re cruel to ones not suited for enforcement or guard duty.”

  “Decker would have had Jase killed if he didn’t end up having a skill he could make money from. The gender lines have always been drawn on clan jobs. It wouldn’t have crossed Decker’s mind to utilize a man as a caregiver.”

  “That’s going to change too.”

  The lodge came into view. Most of the clan members had assembled along the back porch and around it. Lorn realized they must have heard the fighting from their homes and rushed to protect the women and children inside, against Nabby’s orders. Garson came forward and met them. />
  “They know,” he murmured. “Word spread fast after Nabby howled for reinforcements and Xelor told them you’re taking the clan. I didn’t stop him. I figured it wouldn’t be secret for long.”

  Lorn tensed. “What’s the overall feeling?”

  “They were hopeful you’d win.” Garson smiled. “They were discussing attacking Nabby and the others if they were the ones who walked out of the woods. They feared with you both dead, they’d be next.”

  Lorn stepped around Garson and addressed all the familiar faces staring at him. “Nabby, two of the elders, and eight other VampLycans have lost their lives tonight.” He paused, watching their reactions. Garson had been correct. He could see relief in the faces of men and women. “I’ve banned Ladius but his mate is welcome to visit. Speak now if you have a problem with me taking over the clan.”

  Juno stepped forward out of the shadows of the lodge. It surprised Lorn. He hadn’t thought he’d object to a change of leadership.

  “I’m glad,” Juno stated loudly. “I pledge my loyalty, Lorn. You’ve watched out for us, and helped so many when we were targeted by enforcers. You threatened to castrate Boon when he sniffed after my daughter and she wasn’t interested in becoming his lover. We lived in fear that he’d take her against her will and no one would punish him. He left her alone long enough for me to see her mated into another clan, and safe from his vengeance.”

  Thaddeus cleared his throat. “I give you my loyalty, too. You spent hours training my son when he was smaller than the other boys in his age group, and Decker informed me that he might be too weak to live. Your fighting lessons made him skilled enough to impress and get the target off his back.”

  His son nodded. “You saved my life. I volunteer to be one of your enforcers.” He grinned. “Eight years have put a lot of muscle and weight on me. No one teases me now, or I kick their ass. They never attempt it twice.”

  Laughter and smiles met that statement. Thadlow had grown to an imposing, bulky six feet four and had gained a reputation for being a brawler at the age of seventeen.

  “I’ll accept you when you turn eighteen.” Lorn held up his hand to stop others from speaking. “It’s been a long day. We’ll talk more tomorrow. Things will change. It’s going to be good for the clan.”

  Perri crept forward. Rumor had it Decker had killed her mate the year before but no one could confirm it. She’d kept to herself after his death, mourning in private. “What about the weaker ones? What will you do to them?”

  Lorn stared at her and realized he hadn’t seen either of her two children for a few weeks. “No more culling of our clan members.”

  Tears welled into her eyes and she hugged her middle. He approached her and wanted to clasp her arms but didn’t want to stain her with blood. He held her gaze instead so she could see his sincerity.

  “Your children are safe from death,” he promised. “Are they showing signs?”

  She gave a sharp nod. “One is. My daughter started to get bad sunburns.” Her voice broke. “My younger son seems fine though. They’re only a year apart. I know it’s law to kill them both but please spare my children!” She grabbed Lorn’s arm, tears streaming down her face. “I’ll do anything. Please don’t take my babies. They’re all I have.”

  He placed one hand over hers, figuring she didn’t care if he was bloody after all. “Your children will be safe. No one is going to hurt them.” He looked at the people around him. “We’re VampLycans. It’s no longer a death sentence if our children inherit stronger Vampire traits. The other clans feed them blood from those born with strong Lycan traits. It’s been known to help reverse the vulnerability to sunlight and the need for a vein. I’d appreciate it if some of you would donate blood and give it to Perri. The faster the better. There’s a chance to save her daughter from a future without the sun if we act quickly.”

  He looked down at Perri. “I’ll donate if no one else does. Feed her only donated blood. Don’t give her more of yours or any from your son. I assume that’s what you’ve been doing?”

  “She keeps food down but it’s getting more difficult. We haven’t had to feed her blood yet but it’s coming. She’s showing symptoms of bloodlust.”

  “I’ll donate.” Thadlow came down the porch and stood next to Perri. “With your permission. I know I’m only seventeen but it won’t hurt me any. I probably lose more blood during defense training than Elsa could drink from me.”

  “I’ll donate too,” his father offered. “Please let us. We’re so Lycan we sprout hair in our sleep.” He grinned. “I probably shouldn’t admit that to everyone.”

  More laughter erupted from the small crowd.

  “Do it.” Lorn waited for someone to protest but no one did. “Bag-feed only. No direct feeding. She’s hit puberty, correct?”

  Perri nodded. “She’s fifteen.”

  “Bloodlust isn’t just for blood, and it’s safer for her to be fed by bag. You want to keep the opposite sex away from her while she drinks. Understood?”

  “Yes.” Perri glanced at Thadlow then blushed. “I do. She’s far too young to take a lover.”

  “Agreed.” Lorn released her and stepped back. “Vasilla?” He searched faces and located her. “Help make that possible. You can draw blood and store it for Elsa’s use. Make certain plenty is available, or notify me or Lavos.”

  She came forward, sliding through the clan to reach him. “I will.” Her gaze lowered down his body and her appraisal wasn’t that of a healer. She licked her lips and looked up at him again. The invitation clear. “You should come home with me. You’ve sustained injuries.”

  “I guess this is one thing that’ll never change,” Lavos muttered.

  Vasilla jerked her gaze to him.

  “That’s never going to happen,” Lorn informed her. “Help Elsa.”

  Vasilla stepped back, her body going stiff. “Fine. Any other orders?”

  “The past isn’t to be repeated,” Lorn growled, his anger clear. “Do you understand me? I won’t tolerate that shit, or overlook it. You are also to treat everyone in the clan as equals. No exceptions.” He’d punish her if he found out she ever sexually stalked another youth or snubbed a clan member she didn’t feel was worth treatment.

  She paled. “I do.”


  He broke eye contact. “Take your families home. Don’t forget the Vampires invaded our territory, so remain watchful. Decker did something to make them believe we’re an easy target. Tomorrow evening, we’ll meet back here at six and go over everything. It will give you time to think of questions you may have, and I’ll answer them.”

  They began to break apart and leave. Two women timidly came forward. He knew both of them and wondered if they had pressing issues. He’d upset the order of things. It was to be expected.

  “Do you have questions that can’t wait?” He glanced at them both.

  “You’re hurt.” Masa tilted her head and pulled her hair back to show off the line of her throat. “You’ll heal faster. We wanted to show our support by offering you our blood. You could come home with us.”

  The other one stared at Lorn, an obvious hopeful look on her face that he’d choose her. She ran a hand over her shirt, as if to draw notice to her breasts.

  It stunned Lorn for a second. He hadn’t expected that. “That’s very flattering but I have a woman in my life. I do appreciate the offer.”

  They left without argument. Garson approached next. “Well, that went down pretty easy. And I can’t believe you said no to them! Those chicks were dying to nail you. You probably could have done both at the same time! You’re the new clan leader. I’d have totally gone with them so they could play a game of tag team with my joy toy.”

  Lorn glanced at Lavos, confused. “Joy toy?”

  Lavos chuckled. “It’s human slang for his dick.”

  Lorn regretted asking. “I take it Kar hasn’t spoken to you about what I assigned him to do?”

  “No.” Garson shook his head. “Speaking
of, where is Kar? Is he okay?”

  “He’s notifying the families of those who died. Do you want to help him?” Lorn knew the two were close friends.

  “Sure. I’m too hyped up to sleep anytime soon.”

  “Go find him. Thanks for your help. I’m grateful you’re one of mine.”

  Garson’s expression lit up. “Really? As in, it’s official?”

  “Yes. If you want the position, it’s yours. You and Kar have earned it.” Lorn had no hesitation in making the offer. Lavos trusted his friends and they’d come through for him.

  “We accept! I’m an enforcer to the clan leader! Wait until I tell my parents. They’re going to flip. My dad always says I’m a disappointment but he’ll eat those words.” He spun, rushing away. “I’m going to enjoy this,” he called out.

  “Your friends are a bit immature for their ages,” Lorn said once Garson was out of sight.

  “Both are loyal to the core, and their lighthearted attitudes are more for show than about who they are deep down. It was their way of staying under Decker’s radar. They hated everything he stood for as much as we do.”

  “They sure didn’t come across as dangerous enough to be considered a threat to Decker by acting that way,” Lorn surmised.

  “Exactly. They both showed exceptional fighting skills in training and were afraid Decker would ask them to become his enforcers. It made them sick just thinking about the shit he’d order them to do. Their fathers weren’t Decker’s advisors so refusal would have meant death, especially since they were too strong to dismiss and could possibly challenge him one day. We were lucky that way, Lorn. We could tell Decker no and live.” Lavos shrugged. “Anyway, it worked. They were assigned guard duty for the clan but nothing more.”


  “I’m an evil genius that way. It was my plan. Kar used to be way too serious and Garson painfully shy. I spent an entire summer coaching them how to act. Decker and his enforcers just assumed both of them bulked up on muscle to draw the women, rather than to be strong enough to take anyone in a fight.”