The Breeding Experiment (Veslor Mates Book 3) Page 11
The light-haired male cleared his throat. “Have your people had any past dealings with the Elth?”
Gnaw gave a sharp nod. “Many times.”
Woods straightened in his chair, a glint in his eyes. “I’ve read that your grouping hires out your services to other aliens. You’ve worked for them?”
“We kill them,” Gnaw clarified. “No Veslor would ever work for or with the Elth. They attack peaceful planets to steal their people, perform painful and deadly medical experiments on their captives, and force the few survivors into slavery. They have no honor. Roth, my grouping leader, can give you a list of planets that have hired us to eliminate the Elth. We give peaceful aliens discounts, and sometimes have done it for free. We’ve met the Elth in battle many times, tracked down some of their ships to recover stolen people, and returned the survivors to their home planets. Unfortunately, it was too late to save many. The Elth are merciless.”
Clark grinned. “In other words, they’re solid enemies. Sorry, Woods. You can stop thinking Gnaw helped the Elth steal that shuttle.” Then his features harshened. “He was a victim, just like the humans were. You want someone to blame their deaths on. Understandable. It’s not him. Ask the team members who breached the vessel to recover our people about the Elth that Gnaw tore to shreds while trying to escape with one of the humans, during our attack on that ship. We just followed the bodies to find him.”
Woods pressed his lips together briefly. “You expect us to believe he killed a bunch of the Elth on that ship?” He glanced up and down Gnaw, seeming to assess him. “I admit he’s big, but how did he gain a weapon?”
“Show him,” Clark ordered.
Gnaw turned his head. “You want me to strip?”
Clark grinned at him. “Yeah. I do.
Gnaw stood and began to remove his uniform.
“I protest!” the light-haired human blurted.
“You’re the ones asking the questions, Brown.” Clark stood and pulled their two chairs away from the table, giving him more room. “He’s going to show you exactly how he was able to leave a trail of dead Elth. Just remember that he’s on our side.”
Chapter Ten
Darla would never be able to thank Dr. Brick enough for all her help. The two female investigators across the table from her had been a bit harsh at first, until the good doctor had snapped at them to be professional and threatened to write a report. Things had been much friendlier after that.
“You’re saying the Veslor alien never influenced you into having sexual relations?”
Darla shook her head. “I will say it again. Gnaw was a complete gentleman. Do you not have those on these fleet ships? On my planet, that means he was respectful, treated me with dignity at all times, and never pressured me in any way. The Elth demanded that we have sex and kept threatening to kill me and bring in my sister next.
“One of your people told the Elth that the two of us had sat with Gnaw on the shuttle. Her name was Barbara. That’s why we were chosen to begin with. She even pointed us out. The Elth attempted to choose my sister first, because she’s prettier than I am, but she was terrified. I lied and told them Becky didn’t even speak to him. I put myself in front of her and told them to take me. So they did.”
“Whose idea was it to…” Investigator Grantor glanced down at the notes she’d taken on her data pad. “Pretend to comply with their demands to breed?”
“Mine,” Darla stated firmly. “I didn’t want to die, and I sure didn’t want my baby sister to be next. Gnaw adamantly refused to touch me. As I said, he’s a gentleman. He wouldn’t even come near me. I came up with the plan to pretend we were having sex to keep myself alive. He was certain help would come, but we still needed to stall for time.”
The other investigator leaned forward. “Did he ask you to touch his penis?”
“No.” Darla shook her head. “I had to argue with Gnaw just to get him to remove his pants. Meanwhile, the Elth were watching us at all times. They were also always yelling at us through speakers in our cell. I’m going to say this one more time—that doctor on the shuttle wouldn’t listen to me.”
“Doctor Marcus Jenson,” Dr. Brick added. “He upset her enough that I took over her care. In my professional opinion, he was completely out of line and his initial observations were ridiculous. She was clearly stating that she hadn’t been sexually assaulted. He blatantly disregarded her.”
Darla nodded. “Yes. Him. He was going on about rape and criminal charges. What an idiot! I told him, and I’m telling you—Gnaw never touched me against my will. He didn’t do anything to hurt me in any way. We pretended to have sex to stay alive, at my urging, and I’m the one who did inappropriate touching to get his sperm on me because they had some kind of scanner weapon things every time they entered our cell with food. I was terrified they’d shoot me if they couldn’t pick up anything biological. And it was just on me.” She pointed at the pad. “You write that down.”
“I’ve forwarded you copies of her detailed medical scans and my notes,” Dr. Brick reminded them. “I did a thorough exam. There was no penetration. Have you seen the Veslor walking around this ship? Let’s cut the shit. I can tell you as the alien research specialist that they are much stronger than we are and larger—all over. You know what I’m saying, but if you need to hear it for the record, that includes their dicks. There would be plenty of physical evidence if he’d forced a woman to have intercourse. There was none of that. Whatever statement Doctor Jenson made was bullshit. He saw what he wanted to. Not only do I get the impression that he dislikes aliens, but ask the attractive female medical staff about his treatment of them. He thinks we’re beneath him because we have tits.”
The two investigators glanced at each other.
“You know the type,” Dr. Brick sighed. “He hasn’t been happy since he was transferred here. I avoid him whenever possible. He’s a prick.”
Investigator Nells tapped her finger on the table. “What impression has Doctor Jenson made on you that indicates he dislikes aliens?”
“He constantly insults my job, stating that the fleet would be better off avoiding all contact with other lifeforms. He’s admitted to resenting that I have my own lab for what he calls ‘stupid alien shit’ when he doesn’t even have a private office space. Only Doctor Kane, our chief of staff, has an office. It really seems to piss him off that I got my own workspace just because I’m the alien specialist. I’ve explained to him that anytime we visit a planet, I get sent samples from the surface to make sure there’s nothing that will hurt humans. I need that lab.”
The two investigators glanced at each other again.
Darla was bored, tired, and just wanted to see her sister. So far, all she’d been told was that Becky had cleared Medical with a clean bill of health and was being assigned a personal cabin after she was interviewed.
“Are we almost done here?” Darla bit her lip. “I’ve told you everything. Gnaw didn’t hurt me.”
“Only a few more questions.” Investigator Nells read something on the data pad before holding her gaze. “Where did the two of you sleep in your cell?”
“On the high exam bed.”
Darla nodded. “Yes. I was cold and scared. Gnaw kept me warm, and I felt safer with him next to me.”
“Why?” Investigator Grantor seemed to study her closely.
“Gnaw always put himself between me and the Elth when they entered that horrible cell. He made it clear they’d have to shoot through him to get to me.” Tears filled her eyes. “He’s a good man. I can’t say that enough. I was terrified the Elth would drag me away to kill me. Gnaw protected me. Otherwise, I never would have slept.”
“Have you ever had intercourse, Miss Mitt?” Investigator Grantor watched Darla intently.
“Irrelevant,” Dr. Brick quickly answered. “Don’t answer that, Miss Mitt.”
“It is relevant,” argued the investigator.
Dr. Brick shook her head. “She comes from Radi
son. You’re aware of that, and I have a feeling why you’re asking.”
Darla was confused. Dr. Brick appeared angry, glaring at the two investigators. “Why do they care?”
“I not only research aliens and run samples. I get bored. I download data on every planet our ship visits. Radison was established with some irregular laws that don’t conform to fleet standards.”
Dr. Brick narrowed her eyes at Grantor. “You’re trying to establish if she’s broken the law of never having sex before marriage on her planet, since she’s never taken a husband, which you could use against her. Let me be clear—section twenty-six, paragraph nine of booklet two of Civilian Rights states that while under the employment of the fleet, you can’t fire her for some asinine law that we don’t validate. I’ll also have you reference section eighty-two, paragraph three of the Incident Protocol booklet to remind you that she not only deserves compensation for the trauma she’s endured, but her job is secure.”
Grantor’s mouth fell open. “How in the hell do you know all that?”
Dr. Brick inhaled deeply, then exhaled slowly. “As I said, I get bored. I remember almost everything I read.”
Nells cleared her throat. “We’re not attempting to slut-shame Miss Mitt, or get her fired. It’s a standard question we ask when there’s been sexual contact between two people where it normally wouldn’t have happened. If she had said yes, she’s had sex before, we’d have let it go. If she hasn’t ever had sex, we’d suggest she speak to a therapist, since that was her first experience touching or being touched.”
Grantor recovered and took a sip of water. “It’s illegal to have sex before marriage on Radison? I wasn’t even aware of that. What kind of bullshit law is that?”
“It is total shat,” Darla answered. “The men make our laws. Women are second-class citizens.”
“Shat?” Grantor arched her eyebrow.
“It’s also against the law for women to curse. We get punished. Public spankings, if that’s your next question.”
“Fuck,” Nells muttered. Then she snickered at the other investigator. “Your lawyer sister would have to defend me at my murder trial after I killed the son of a bitch who tried to smack my ass, Gloria.” She paused. “I say we’re done here. How about you? I’m thinking Doctor Jenson is as clueless about women as my ex. I don’t see a victim here. I see a survivor.”
Grantor nodded. “But we had to investigate.” She placed her pad down. “I’m very sorry for what you went through, Miss Mitt. I’m just glad your cellmate was a good man, as you put it. We’ve seen cases where prisoners turned on each other, and the women were more abused by their own crewmates than their captors. I’m glad this wasn’t one of those situations.”
Dr. Brick stood. “We’re free to go?”
“Yes.” Grantor nodded.
Darla rose to her feet. “Is Gnaw in trouble? He shouldn’t be. I’m alive because of him.”
“Not according to us. The other investigators have to clear him.” Nells smiled at her. “You’ve been given three days’ reprieve before starting your new job, since your doctor swears you aren’t hurt besides the minor leg injuries. I don’t know if anyone explained that to you. Your job is secure.” She nodded at Dr. Brick.
Darla allowed herself to be led out of the interrogation room.
A security guard nearly collided with them as he came sprinting around the corner. Dr. Brick yanked her out of the way, and they leaned against the wall.
“Sorry,” he called out, waving a pair of pants clutched in his hand. “Some investigator pissed his pants and is raising hell for another pair, STAT.”
“I wonder what that was about.” Darla pushed off the wall.
Dr. Brick shrugged. “No clue. Let’s get your cabin assignment and find your sister. They’ll have you in close proximity, since you’re both new-hires who are related.”
“Thank you for everything that you’ve done for me, Doctor Brick.”
“Call me Jessa.” The doctor smiled. “I think we could both use a friend, right?”
“I’d like that.”
Jessa leaned in closer. “Just stick to the story you told to everyone, including with your sister. I don’t know about Radison, but crew on fleet ships are horrible gossips. They’ll pretend to be your friend to gather information, only to stab you in the back.”
The news disappointed her. “Really?”
“Too true. It’s why I don’t have any friends. I’ve been stabbed way too many times.” Jessa smiled then. “But you and I already have secrets. I’ve got your back. You can trust me.”
Darla really hoped so.
Jessa nodded. “Let’s get your cabin assignment and ask about your sister. Then I’m ordering you to eat and rest. Three days isn’t much time before you start your first shift.”
“I’m looking forward to it.” That was a lie, but she needed to work. It would keep her and Becky safe.
* * * * *
Woods kept glaring at Gnaw. It wasn’t his fault that the human male had fallen out of his chair and proceeded to lose control of his bladder when he’d shifted. A security guard had brought a spare set of pants for the male to change into. It had halted their interview for nearly ten minutes.
Brown, the light-haired investigator, had seemed to take control after that. “Tell us once again about the sexual encounters between you and the civilian garden worker.”
“Her name is Darla,” Gnaw growled, getting tired of the questions. “I would never harm or force a female. I’ve already told you, she asked me to comply with the Elth, and we made the motions of copulation.”
“Even a toddler would understand what he’s said repeatedly by now,” Clark muttered. “Should I ask for the three of you to take a course in the birds and bees? Didn’t your parents cover that, or maybe a health class while you were in school?”
Palmer had been quiet until then. “You have to admit, you’re an intimidating male that most human women would fear.” He glanced over at Woods, his lips twitching. “And some of our men. Tell me something that might convince us Darla Mitt didn’t touch you because she was afraid not to.”
Clark began to curse.
Palmer motioned to him. “Please, Gnaw. Give me one example of how you knew she wasn’t afraid of you.”
“She grew verbally aggressive by giving me orders. Darla knew I wouldn’t hurt her. She trusted me. I am able to smell fear.” He glanced at Woods, before holding Palmer’s gaze again. “The only time she scented of it was when the Elth were near.”
“How was she verbally aggressive? Give me an example of the orders she gave you, please.”
Gnaw tried to remember his patience. “The Elth demanded we breed. I refused. They wanted me to copulate with the female, create a cub they could torment and enslave, but I would rather die. Darla ordered me to ‘get my ass’ closer to her, because I wouldn’t go near her at first. Then she demanded that I strip off the ill-fitting pants after she bared her body. Her plan was to stall for time, which meant making the Elth believe we were complying.”
“She stripped first?”
He growled. “Yes. I do not feel comfortable telling you any of this. Do humans not have privacy laws about interactions with females? Veslors do. It’s disrespectful.”
He nodded. “We’re done here. Thank you for giving your statements, Gnaw. I’m certain you’d like nothing better than to catch up on sleep and spend a few days with your grouping to recuperate.”
“Palmer,” Woods spat. “We’re not done.”
Palmer turned. “We are. I fact checked everything he said while you were busy changing. The Elth are hated by every allied alien that has had contact with them. There are also statements from some of those races, from when the Veslors were investigated before the initial trade agreements were signed. Did you even bother to read them? I did. Veslors were hailed as saviors and heroes for defending some of their planets against the Elth.
“The trade board concluded that Veslors have a history of comin
g to the defense of any race under attack by deadly aliens with hostile intentions. Just like they did with the Gorison Traveler, when human asses were in jeopardy from the Ke’ters. Your suspicions that Gnaw helped the Elth attack and swipe that shuttle are unfounded. The Elth found an opportunity and took it. He wasn’t working with them or for them. They wanted to use him in an experiment. I’m satisfied with that. What about you, Brown?”
“I concur.” Brown avoided looking at Woods. “I’ve been keeping tabs as the reports from other interviews have come in. Everything supports what he’s told us.”
“We were asked to investigate what happened between him and Darla Mitt. I just got the findings from the investigators who spoke to her.” Palmer withdrew a data pad, flashing the screen. “Darla Mitt claims he did nothing wrong, and in fact, is the reason she’s alive. She admitted to being the one who came up with the plan to fake sex. Again, everything supports what Gnaw has told us.”
“Doctor Jenson―”
“Has an ax to grind with fleet after his last assignment,” Palmer said, cutting off Woods. “Did you read his file? He had a posh position and managed to piss off everyone working under him until they all wanted him transferred away. There was a whole investigation. He sexually harassed two nurses and a doctor, damn near killed a patient by trying to operate under the influence of alcohol, and then threatened to fire the entire operating team after they realized he wasn’t fit and relieved him of duty.
“The only reason he wasn’t fired outright is because he owes six years to the fleet, and they paid for his ass to go to medical school. He’s basically a nurse now, not allowed to operate or see patients without supervision. And you’d know that if you had bothered to pull and read everything you have access to. I plan to file my own complaint against him for wasting resources and our time on this.”
“He also made threats to get even with the ones who testified against him,” Brown stated quietly. “That was also in the investigation file.”