Lorn Read online

Page 11

  “You said nothing to me.”

  “I know.” Remorse flashed on Lavos’s face. “I wanted to keep you out of it, Lorn. You’ve been miserable for years. I love you and wanted you to run away with Kira. It was the only way you’d be happy. Now everything has changed. You’ve lost your chance to mate her. You have to let her go.”

  “You’re wrong. I’ll feed her—and it is going to work. She’ll turn VampLycan with my Lycan side offsetting the Vamp blood. I’ll deal with our father—and kill anyone who goes after her.”

  “What part of ‘slim chance’ did you miss? If she remains a Vampire, you’ll have to flee the clan to keep them from killing her. Nabby will get us slaughtered if you don’t stop him from taking leadership. He’ll start a war that will cause everyone to die.”

  “I’d never put Kira in that kind of danger. I’ll send her somewhere safe if she remains as she is.”

  “You besotted fool. You’ll mate her even if she’s a full-on Vampire. She’s your true mate! You won’t be able to resist. Once the blood flows, it’s over. You’ll damn us all.”

  “I can resist!”

  “Bro…” Lavos sighed, sadness creased his features. “Everyone knows the truth but you, Kira, and Davis. Denial is a bitch. It was clear from the moment you met her when we were kids how strongly you felt. Living with you has been hell on everyone.”

  “I love her, Lavos, but I don’t think she’s my true mate.”

  “Keep saying that if it helps, but it’s a lie. You attack anyone who looks at her sideways. Even when you stopped spending time with her, everyone knew they’d pay if they hurt her.”

  “Kira needed my protection.”

  “Yeah, she did. It was more than that though. It was crystal clear after you hit puberty what was really between the two of you. You couldn’t be alone with her.”

  “It would have put her in danger.”

  His brother shook his head. “You’ve never been attracted to another woman.” He snorted. “You would have claimed Kira as yours if you’d fucked her, and Decker would have ordered your mate to die, so you refused to admit the truth to keep her safe. We all understood that.”

  Lorn frowned.

  “Most of the clan must know. They’d have to be pretty dense not to. Davis is unaware because he doesn’t know how far you’ve gone to keep his daughter safe. I figured out your deal with our dad long ago. You jump when he snaps his fingers because he’s kept Decker from killing Kira outright. Come on, Lorn.” Lavos growled. “You couldn’t stand the thought of anyone touching what’s yours.”

  “Because they think she’s weak and not worthy of fair treatment!”

  “Bullshit! It was pure jealousy and possessiveness that had you making those threats.”

  “They just wanted to use Kira.”

  “You mean just have sex with her and toss her aside?”


  “You’re one to talk, Lorn. Look at how you treat our women.”

  “I don’t abuse females.”

  “You don’t do anything with our women. You shun them when they sniff after you.”

  “It’s always a bad thing to fuck women from your clan. It can make a mate uncomfortable to have to deal with a bunch of past lovers.”

  “That’s true but that’s not why you refuse to nail any of them. You have little interest in women at all.”

  “I’ve had lovers, Lavos.”

  “Are you talking about when Mother Nature makes the call and you have to screw someone? That’s just more proof. You travel far from home to find those women and you’re a nightmare afterward.”

  Lorn frowned.

  “Don’t deny it. You sulk around for weeks after you’ve made one of those trips, provoking fights with anyone just to release some aggression. You scrub your skin almost raw in the river before you go within a mile of Kira. She can’t pick up another woman’s scent on you since she doesn’t have the nose for it, but you do it anyway. I’ve seen you avoid eye contact with her, looking guilty as hell, as though you’d cheated on her.”

  “I just resent feeling forced to sleep with women when the urge gets too strong.”

  “Sleep? Ha!” Lavos snorted. “I’ve visited the other clans. Do you know what they say about you?”

  “I don’t want to hear it.”

  “You’re ice cold. You don’t want to get to know the women you choose. It’s just about sex and getting out of there as soon as you’re done. You don’t cuddle with them or even spend the night. One of them asked me how your mate died. That’s what they think. You act as a grieving widower would. Face it. Your hand knows your dick better than any woman ever has. You actually prefer jacking off to touching someone who isn’t Kira.”

  “That isn’t true.”

  Lavos arched his eyebrow. “Really? You’re healthy and young but you avoid touching women unless you’re in heat. Answer me this. When you’re in bed alone, taking care of business, who are you imaging to get off?”

  Lorn looked away, not willing to admit it was Kira.

  “I know the answer. I lied about finding a mate because I figured it would finally force you to face the truth. I couldn’t take watching you suffer anymore, year in and out. Dad’s an asshole. I knew he’d demand you take a mate, and you would have refused. He would have threatened to kill Kira, the way he always does.” Lavos sighed. “I figured it was the push you needed to take off with her. I even thought we could use it to our advantage when I heard what Decker planned to do. It seemed the perfect opportunity to spring my plan.”

  Lorn just stared at him.

  “That’s when I decided to tell everyone I’d found my mate. Decker was about to piss off the other clans big time. I couldn’t predict he’d flee, but I knew he’d have his hands full. He’d need every damn enforcer to protect him. I thought you could leave without worry. I’m so sorry, bro. I wanted to do the right thing but now our clan needs you more. You have to let her go.”

  “Kira will stay with me until she learns to control her hunger, and I’ll only mate with her if my blood can help her change into one of us.” He glared at his brother. “You agreed to help me keep her safe for a few days. I’m holding you to that. Give it a chance.”

  “I’ll keep my word, but you’re being a moron, Lorn. I can’t imagine how much worse it’s going to be for you to resist the urge to mate if you’re feeding her from your vein. If you fuck her, you might condemn the entire clan to being slaughtered in the end.”

  “That’s bullshit.”

  “You’ll challenge Nabby, take him out, but then we’ll be facing at least half the clan, who’ll oppose a Vampire living among us. The clan will try to kill Kira, and you, I, and Davis, with a few of our friends, will have to fight about forty of them. At least.” Lavos lifted his hand, scrubbing his hair. “Not great odds. Once we’re dead, those stupid bastards will continue on as things were. The weaker will be trapped, too afraid to leave since we’re not here to protect them. What about the young? They won’t have a choice either. Decker wants a fucking war, and he’ll bring it right to our village.”

  “No GarLycan or VampLycan besides Decker would kill a child.”

  “So those will be the only survivors. A bunch of orphans. What about the women mated to Decker’s most loyal? They’ll die to defend their mates, even knowing it’s going to get them killed. Our mother would fight at our father’s side to the death, Lorn. She can’t stand Decker either, but it’s about loyalty, isn’t it? The heads of every family swear allegiance to the leaders of their clans. We have to change things to save them. But we can’t do it until we follow the system in place and earn their respect. I’d offer to challenge Nabby but they’ll expect you to do it if you stay, because you’re first son. Tradition is a bitch but we’re stuck with it. Let Kira go to the other clan with Davis. She’ll be safe there regardless. I know you want that the most.”

  Lorn hated that every word Lavos had spoken held truth and wisdom. “I won’t allow some stranger to mate Kira when
she’s vulnerable.”

  “Fine. Here’s another option. I could stay here with her instead. I’ll feed Kira. We could tell everyone you returned since the clan might be attacked by more Vampires, and you asked me to track down Kira. It would also cement your standing with the clan if they think you put their safety above your need to extract revenge for her loss.”

  “You aren’t going near Kira!” He flashed his fangs in warning.

  “Whoa!” Lavos backed away. “Don’t attack me. I’m not a moron. I wouldn’t touch her even if she was naked, begging for sex, and my dick literally turned to granite. You’d kill me. I don’t have a death wish.”

  “Kira is my priority right now. The clan’s aware of the threat and I’m sure they can handle any intruders on their own. Nabby has to be too distracted from the attack we suffered to start shit with the other clans right now. We’re already under threat if the Vampires return. We have time.”

  “Let me stay with her. You’ve been acting the saint when it comes to Kira for far too long. Everyone has a snapping point, and this will trigger yours.”

  “You’re not staying with her.”

  “Damn it, Lorn! It’s a bad idea for you to be so close to her right now. Be reasonable. You can trust me. I’ve got strong Lycan traits.”

  “Trust? As if I could forget that you lied to me in an attempt to manipulate my future.”

  “It was for your own good! I just wanted you to be happy.”

  “I hate Veso. If you told him I’d rather flee with Kira than mate anyone our father chose, that put Kira in danger. He could have hurt her to get back at me.”

  “He was acting, Lorn. Everyone knows you hate Decker so he couldn’t exactly be your best friend. He also respected Kira. He said so. He got to know her when he trained her. I trusted him. We were good friends.” He teared up. “I can’t believe a group of Vampires took him down. They wouldn’t have been able to kill him if those bastards hadn’t cheated with drugs.”

  “I wasn’t aware you two had grown so close. I’m sorry for your loss. That still doesn’t excuse what you’ve done. You lied and kept things from me. I appreciate the reasons behind it, but you should have been honest with me.”

  “I did it because I love you. Lorn, please reconsider. It’s just a bad idea for you to feed her. I know your sexual history and you aren’t prepared for that shit. Especially since it’s Kira.”

  “You don’t know anything.”

  “I know you’ve never allowed a woman to bite you to test a mating. I knew you wouldn’t have the urge to bite. Have you been bitten during sex? Be honest.”

  Lorn hesitated. “The urge never struck…and I refused to allow them to get their mouths near my body.”

  Lavos’s mouth dropped open but he recovered fast. “No blow jobs even?”

  “I’m going back to my den.” Lorn tried to leave but his brother grabbed him.

  “The biting thing is hot as hell. Plus, have you ever dealt with a female Vampire?”

  “I’ve had to kill a few.”

  “Not in battle. I mean just come across one in the city when we’ve had to leave the clan on business?”

  “No. I avoided them.”

  Lavos hesitated. “Remember two years ago when Decker sent me to buy some land from that retired miner in Texas? I didn’t spend all my nights holed up in the hotel. I went out…and met a Vampire. She was fascinated by me. She didn’t flee when she realized I was VampLycan. She flirted instead. I knew she wanted to screw me so she could taste my blood, so I thought…what the hell? She was hot. I was horny.”

  Lorn was stunned. “You let one feed from you?”

  “I knew she couldn’t hurt me, and you should have seen the body on her. You have no idea what you’re getting into by offering to feed Kira. That Vampire was all over me. She was a total sex siren. It’s what they do. They seduce and strike for a vein. I was smart enough to pull her off my throat before I passed out from blood loss, though let’s just say it was tough. We both got what we wanted but I didn’t expect it to be that intense. And she was just some blood hooker, not a woman I loved.”

  “Kira isn’t some skilled sex siren.”

  “I didn’t say she was. But she’ll bite you, you’ll fuck her, and then you’ll lose control. You’ll end up mated to a Vamp. I don’t care how strong you are. You can’t resist when it’s your true mate.”

  “I won’t bite her back. I’m going to see if my blood will help her. It’s the only plan I can think of that doesn’t involve letting another man touch her.” He spun, striding toward the den.

  “Plans get fucked up all the time.”

  He ignored his brother’s parting comment, worried about Kira being alone. He doubted she’d wake before sunset but he hadn’t been around many newly made Vamps. The ones he’d hunted were crazed and totally unstable. It hurt to think she might wake that way.

  It was his job to kill Vamps. They attacked humans. There was no tolerance for any behavior that might draw attention from the outside world.

  He bolted the inside door of his den and crept closer to his bed. She slept in the same position she’d been in when he’d left her. The slight rise and fall of her chest assured him she was fine. He ran his fingers through his hair, frustrated with his brother and disheartened by the situation.

  He breathed Kira’s scent in with every breath. Memories flashed of them growing up together…and he admitted his brother was right.

  Kira was his true mate.

  She’d been his to protect, and the possessive feelings had only grown over the years. Rage boiled under his skin when he thought about what had happened to her.

  Resentment came next. She never would have been attacked if he’d been born second instead of first. Duty wouldn’t have stood in his way of taking Kira to another clan. He could have claimed her as his mate the moment she became of age. She wouldn’t have been assigned some shitty job that put her in danger in the first place.

  He’d never wished her bloodlines were stronger. She had become an amazing person because of her obstacles. Now she would face new ones.

  He crouched down and brushed the hair back from her forehead. She stirred slightly but didn’t wake at his gentle touch. The peaceful look on her face wouldn’t last.

  He caressed her cheek with his thumb. They needed to talk.

  Chapter Six

  Lorn changed the batteries in the lights and finished his meal. He repeatedly glanced at the watch he kept on the table. The sun would set any minute. Kira had grown paler during the day but her heart still beat. He was as attuned to it as he was his own.

  No one would care for Kira better than he could, and he didn’t trust some enforcer not to take advantage of her.

  He’d texted Davis and Lavos not to mention anything to Kira about him possibly mating her if things turned out the way he hoped. He didn’t want to risk her getting hurt more if the plan failed. It would be devastating enough for all of them if she remained a Vampire. It burned a little to explain his motives to both men but they’d agreed. He didn’t want to get her hopes up. His were already there.

  First he’d have to convince her to stay with him and take his blood. She could flat-out refuse and go to the other clan. She’d drink blood from the enforcer but find herself mated when it was over, because no man could resist wanting to keep her forever. The thought of her choosing to go to another clan, to another man, enraged him. She was his.

  He glanced at the bed again and noticed that she’d moved her arm. He rose to his feet, reaching for his pants, not wanting her to wake and see him in his boxers. The den felt hot to him, almost stifling.

  Her eyes flew open and she sat up, gasping. The pure terror she displayed had him dropping his jeans and rushing to her side. “Kira?”

  She turned her head and he caught his breath, staring into the glowing blue eyes that fixed on him. They were beautiful—and completely paranormal. He crouched, not sure what to say to assure her things were going to be okay.

; He didn’t expect her to grab the covers and throw them back.

  Her bare breasts caught his attention, and he couldn’t help but notice the way they jiggled with her fast breathing. The air she’d exposed them to made both nipples pebble, and his body responded.

  A sudden hiss came from her.

  He looked from her chest to her face. Her mouth was open and two cute little fangs showed.

  She launched herself at him, catching him off guard.

  They crashed to the floor with Kira on top of him. He clamped down on her shoulders, managing to keep her from going for his throat, but she seemed intent on biting him.

  “KIRA!” He snarled.

  She was stronger as a Vampire than she’d been as a human, but he easily held her mouth away from his throat with his superior strength. It was hell on him though, considering she was totally naked. He glanced down, appreciating her soft, pale stomach, and groaned when he realized she shaved her mound. It ground against his lower belly where she straddled him.

  She hissed at him again and he met her stare. He saw no recognition—and it infuriated him. He really wanted to tear apart the bastard who’d attacked her. She was in a fit of bloodlust, mindless to everything but the need to feed.

  “Kira.” His tone softened. It was hell not to stare at her breasts while she fought him, seeing them bounce as she struggled. His dick hardened and he knew he was going to hell for getting turned-on. It was still Kira though, even if she was only interested in his neck. He’d wanted her since hormones had hit his system as a teen. “It’s Lorn.”

  Something flickered in her eyes and she blinked. Some of the glow faded and she closed her mouth. The expression on her face actually hurt him as he watched her regain some of herself. It was clear she was horrified. She whimpered, turned her head away and stopped fighting.

  “Easy,” he rasped, sitting up. It put them chest to chest, and his neck way too close to her mouth. It wasn’t his smartest move but he wanted to comfort her. It also slid her lower on his body, so her pussy wasn’t resting against his bare stomach. Her ass settled on his lap instead. “Are you with me now?”