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The Breeding Experiment (Veslor Mates Book 3) Page 10

  “Do we have to do that? I’m fine. Just tired.”

  “The fleet is going to want me to run full scans. Then again, it’ll prove you had sex with the Veslor if I do that. Some could twist that, believing what that idiot Barbara was saying.”

  “The loudmouth?”

  “Yes. God, sometimes I hate other women. She accused me of committing treason when I told the Elth their plan of making us all fuck the Veslor wouldn’t work. You know, rumor has it that she’s sleeping her way through some of the higher-ranking officers to get promotions. After spending time with her, I’m a believer. And I normally ignore rumors.”

  “She was unpleasant. Especially to Gnaw.”

  “I remember her outburst about him being on the shuttle, when he boarded. I wanted to deck her ignorant ass, but I don’t like to draw attention to myself unless it’s absolutely necessary.”

  Darla frowned. “Why?”

  “I’m the alien specialist for the vessel. Let’s just say, it’s not a job that makes me too many friends on the fleet. Even the other doctors give me shit. It’s not like I picked this field. I was just best suited for it, so fleet made the call.”

  “Why is that?”

  “I was orphaned after an explosion, along with my sister. I was born on one of the Mars colonies under fleet authority. They have facilities to raise injured kids who need massive medical care, which included me and Anabel, since no relatives came forward to take custody. They probably didn’t want to take on the financial burden.”

  She waved at her bright blue eye. “My sister and I were hurt in the explosion. The fleet fed us, educated us, and made us whole again with fancy tech only rich people can afford. The price for that is, they own us until we’re thirty-five. Then the debt is considered worked off. Anyway, they tested us, figured out what we’d be best at, and placed us into careers. I wanted to be a doctor after my parents died. There wasn’t enough medical personnel near the scene of the accident. More people would have lived if there had been. During treatment, I not only received a new eye, but some implants that help me learn faster than normal. The fleet decided I’d be an excellent A.R.S. instead of a trauma surgeon.”

  “I’m sorry for your loss.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Is your sister an A.R.S., too?”

  Dr. Brick’s features turned taut and she turned away. “No. Fleet felt she’d be good for another line of work. We were separated on my tenth birthday, when my medical training began, and I haven’t been able to see her since. Once in a while they allow her to send me messages, though. She’s alive. That’s all I know.”

  Darla was stunned. “Did you say tenth birthday?”

  “Yes. The fleet doesn’t believe in wasting time.” Dr. Brick sighed again. “We owe them years of service as repayment for healing, raising, and educating us.”

  “That eats dirt. No one should keep you away from your sister.”

  “Welcome to fleet life. Be thankful you’re a civilian.” Dr. Brick gave her a tense smile. “Now, we should do a full body scan, since the fleet will expect it. But I can fake one.” She reached up and tapped her jaw. “I know how to handle this—and who to call. There’s one very motivated woman on this boat who will want the Veslor just as protected as you do.”

  That news made Darla feel slightly sick. “Gnaw has a woman?”

  “Gnaw? No.” Dr. Brick shook her head. “One of the other Veslors is mated to Abby Thomas.”

  “Who’s that?”

  Dr. Brick smiled for real that time. “Let’s just say Abby Thomas comes from a mega-rich and powerful family on Earth. I also heard she’s super close to Commander Bills. He’s in charge of Defcon Red. Also, some of my equipment and programs come from D Corp. That’s Abby’s parents’ company.”

  “What can she do to help protect Gnaw?”

  “Let me reach out to her.” She turned away. “There’s a shower in the bathroom right there.” She jerked her thumb toward the corner. “Some spare scrubs, too. Shower and change while I see if she’ll work with me on this.”

  Darla slid off the exam bed and entered the bathroom. It was nicer than anything she was used to. She stripped, stepping under the warm spray of water. She unbraided her hair and soaked it, sighing in bliss as she reached for shampoo.

  Chapter Nine

  Abby entered their home and hurried right to Gnaw. She threw her arms around his middle to give him a big hug. He patted her back gently, glancing at Drak. He feared the possessive male would get angry over his female touching him.

  Drak smiled instead. “She worried about you while you were missing.”

  “I am fine,” Gnaw assured her.

  Abby released him. “Good. We need to have a serious talk.”

  He lowered his chin, meeting her gaze. “Did you get an update on Darla?”

  “She’s fine.” She hesitated but then turned, staring at Roth. “I should address all of you about this. It’s a grouping matter. I got an interesting unauthorized message sent to me. It seems there’s another talented hacker on Defcon Red.”

  “Who contacted you?” Roth glowered.

  Abby glanced around. “I’m implementing the cone of silence.”

  Some of Abby’s Earth sayings amused Gnaw. That was one of them. It meant they were promising not to repeat anything said, that it would be kept secret.

  Roth grumbled. “I believe as grouping leader, it’s my decision if that call needs made.”

  Abby flashed Roth a smile. “I’m sorry, but after you hear what I have to share, you’ll agree with me.” She moved close to Drak, and he pulled her against his side, their hands entwining. “The hacker is Doctor Jessa Brick.”

  “What does that female want?” Maith grunted, displeased. “Tell her once more, I am Gnaw’s medic. She may not run scans on him.”

  Abby shook her head. “This isn’t about her wanting to get one of you into her not-so-secret lab next to Med Bay to study a Veslor. It turns out she’s taken charge of one Miss Darla Mitt, as her patient.”

  Maith snarled now. “She’s sunk to blackmail?”

  Abby shot him a frown. “No. Will you stop interrupting and listen to me? The message wasn’t long, but it was enough to make me understand the seriousness of why she felt compelled to reach out. It seems one of the doctors aboard the Med shuttle harassed Miss Mitt, after they ran a handheld scanner over her.” Her gaze locked with Gnaw’s. “It probably sensed traces of your semen on her. Your seed. The doctor suspected rape.”

  Gnaw felt instant anger.

  “Wait,” Abby hurried on. “We all know that’s not what happened. Doctor Brick is strongly suggesting that you change your story to fit what Miss Mitt is going to state on the record, when she’s questioned about what happened between her and Gnaw while they were locked up together. To avoid misunderstandings and any—and I quote—‘bigoted bullshit.’

  “Darla Mitt is going to swear that you never penetrated her body. That the two of you worked together to fool the Elth into only believing that you had sex. She’ll tell them she actually used her hand to get your seed because you both assumed the Elth were scanning for anything biological. It was completely consensual but no penetration happened.”

  Drak drew her attention. “Why? They did nothing wrong. The female was the one who talked him into complying. That was a decision they made together.”

  Abby took a deep breath and blew it out. “Doctor Brick was on that shuttle, and she claims the doctor initially assigned to Miss Mitt didn’t want to listen to the truth. I pulled his record after I got her message. Doctor Marcus Jenson wasn’t happy to be assigned to Defcon Red. He filed a protest on record after being transferred here. He used to be chief medical officer at an outpost, but from what I read between the lines, he was probably either an asshole the other doctors hated or he caused a scandal. Basically, the brass couldn’t outright fire him, since he’s on a fleet contract. They had to send him somewhere to work off the remaining years. He was put here, busted down in rank, an
d he’s low on the totem pole.”

  “In simpler words we’ll understand.” Roth sighed. “We don’t know totem pole.”

  “He went from overseeing other doctors to having to take orders from his peers. He was knocked down to, um, rookie status on a team. Newbie who must take orders from others, despite his previous years of service. Is that clear enough? He’s probably looking for a way to stir some shit.” Abby waved to Gnaw. “Like attempting to charge a Veslor with rape because initial scans picked up semen.

  “Best case for him, he can accuse the other doctors assigned to the Med shuttle of incompetence, since he supposedly saw what they missed. It could move him up in ranking. Worst case, it’s payback toward the fleet and the ones who busted him down. It’s no secret how much the fleet wanted a Veslor fighting grouping assigned to Defcon Red. Imagine the embarrassment it would cause if one of you was accused of raping a civilian worker?

  “I agree with Doctor Brick. It’s best to say Miss Mitt and Gnaw worked together to fool the Elth, she gave you hand jobs to release your seed, and you never entered her. It was all her idea. That’s what she’s going to swear, and you need to as well.”

  Roth frowned. “The female did talk Gnaw into complying.”

  “I know. It’s a stupid fine line kind of thing with humans. It will be simpler this way.” Abby sounded frustrated. “You need to trust my judgement this time, and that of Doctor Brick.”

  “I don’t trust that female.” Maith scowled more.

  “Well, she’s willing to swear on record and falsify scans to only show semen on Miss Mitt’s thighs and stomach. She sent me a copy of it as proof.” Abby smiled at Maith. “Maybe she’ll come back later to ask for one of you to volunteer for some tests, as a thank you. I think it’s worth the price if we can stop Doctor Jenson from using Gnaw as a tool to accomplish whatever the hell he’s up to.”

  “Why is a hand job from a female seen differently from penetration?” Maith still seemed displeased.

  “Giving a hand job doesn’t involve mandatory mental evaluations on Miss Mitt. Penetration under dubious circumstances is more severe, and they’d want to get inside her head to make certain she wasn’t threatened, fearful of reprisals, or denying an attack because of emotional damage. It’s a fleet thing. Let’s just say there’s a long history of women being abused and intimidated by other soldiers in the military. They always investigate any sexual misconduct, but a report of penetration of any body cavity calls for mental evaluations to be done on both parties, and the one accused of that crime is sequestered in a holding cell during the deeper investigation to make the victim feel safer. It’s just how it is.”

  “Darla would never tell them that I hurt her.” Gnaw had faith in the female. She was honest and trustworthy.

  “Do you want to wait it out in a holding cell until the investigation concludes and you’re both forced to speak to various therapists first?” Abby held his gaze. “Meanwhile, the rumors are going to be flying around Defcon Red and other fleet vessels for the days or weeks it could take for them to put a halt to this unnecessary bullshit.”

  “Veslors don’t lie.” Gnaw clenched his fists.

  Roth moved, coming up to me. “We do to protect our grouping from being prosecuted for a crime they did not commit. I agree with Abby after hearing her explain the flaws in their justice system. I refuse to allow one of my males to be used as a tool by a bitter male holding a grudge.”

  Gnaw gave a sharp nod, peering at Abby. “Hand job. I understand the term.”

  “Good. Just stick as closely to the truth as you can. Tell them what happened, but there was no penetration. You fooled the Elth together. Worked as a team. That way your stories match.

  He didn’t like it but he’d comply. It seemed he did that often now. His gaze locked with Roth’s. “How much longer do we have to work with the humans?”

  “Until our king doesn’t want us here anymore.”

  He unclenched his fists, his claws wanting to come out. “Understood.”

  “I thought we’d be done when we cleared the threat of the Cadia creatures on Tobias planet.” Roth shook his head. “Our king has asked us to remain on the ship longer.” He glanced at Drak and Abby, before looking back at Gnaw.

  Gnaw understood. Drak had found his human mate, and her connections to United Earth and the fleet helped ease relations being built between his people and the humans. It made sense that they lived on Defcon Red longer. Their new trade agreements were stronger than ever. He just didn’t like it.

  The chime to announce someone wanted entry into their home sounded. All of them turned. It was Roth who strode over and opened the door.

  Clark Yenna gave them a tight smile and stepped inside, clearing the sensor to allow it to seal at his back.

  He looked right at Roth. “I don’t want to step on your toes here. You know I respect the hell out of you, and you are really the one in charge of your grouping. I know our laws better, though, and I hope you’ll let me pull rank by being the one to take him to be questioned. I’ll take care of Gnaw and cover his ass.”

  Roth gave a brief nod. “We trust you.”

  Clark met Gnaw’s gaze next. “Demand that I stay with you as your representative, since I’m your official team leader. I’m not going to allow them to bulldoze you, son. They’re saying it’s just an informal interview at this point, but I didn’t like the vibe I got off the three investigators that were gathering in a conference room to take your statement. If I suddenly order you to silence, do it, and I’ll request legal representation. Don’t utter another word if that happens. Understand?”


  Clark glanced at the rest of his grouping. “We have the full support of Commander Bills. I spoke to him after being ordered to bring Gnaw to the investigators. He’ll back my authority to stay with Gnaw. It’s going to be fine. I’ll make damn sure of it.”

  “Have they spoken to Darla?”

  “The female you were locked up with?”

  Gnaw nodded at Clark.

  “I’m not aware, son. I’m sure they’re going to keep the two of you separated until they have statements from you both, along with the other survivors taken by the Elth.” He spoke to Roth next. “They want to interview every team member who boarded the Elth vessel, as well. I’ll escort each of you there when it’s your turn and stand in. It’s going to be a long damn day and evening.” He sighed, facing Gnaw. “You need to get ready. Making them wait a bit is good, but not too long. Then they’ll be even more testy.”

  “I’ll put on my boots.”

  “Put on your uniform. I want them to see you as an official member of my team.” Clark smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes. “I dare them to fuck with you just because you’re a Veslor. I’ll chew them up and spit them out for it.”

  Roth jerked his head, motioning for Gnaw to comply. He went to his sleeping room to quickly change. Once he was ready, Gnaw brushed against each of his grouping. Abby hugged him again. Then he left with Clark.

  Two security officers trailed behind but kept their distance. Gnaw glanced back at them.

  Clark snorted. “Ignore them. If the investigators were honestly worried that you’d try to avoid questioning, they should have sent about a dozen of them. They completely underestimate you boys. It’s almost amusing.”

  They reached a lift and Clark activated it. The doors opened and they stepped inside, the two security guards rushing forward. Clark snorted again and sealed the doors before they reached the lift.

  Gnaw noticed the panicked looks on the males when they realized they were about to lose sight of him. “You did that on purpose.”

  “Sure did. I told them they weren’t needed. Serves them right for being determined to keep an eye on you, but afraid enough to keep their distance at the same time.”

  The lift stopped and the doors opened. Clark led the way to double doors with numbers on them. He waved his hand and they opened, revealing a stark white room with no viewing ports. A wide table
sat in the middle, with chairs on both sides. No other furniture was in the room. Sealed water bottles sat on the surface.

  Three males in gray uniforms stood immediately, grimly regarding Gnaw.

  “This is Gnaw,” Clark introduced. “He’s on loan to the fleet from the king of the Veslor home world at the request of our superiors, and he’s a key member of my best tactical team. These are investigators Brown, Woods, and Palmer.” Clark pulled out a chair and sat, motioning for Gnaw to take the one next to him. It would have them on one side the table, the males across from them.

  The one with light hair frowned at Clark. “You’re dismissed.”

  Clark got more comfortable in his chair. “I’m his team leader. Gnaw requested I stay with him. The three of you have eyes; it’s obvious he’s not human or familiar with how these things work. Commander Bills is aware that I’m here. You got a problem with it, give him a call. You can bet he’ll take it right away to set you straight. I stay.”

  The three humans appeared displeased over what Clark had said. Gnaw took a seat and calmly placed his hands flat on the table to appear less threatening.

  The bald male removed a data pad from inside his jacket and placed it on the table. “This interview is being recorded. We have questions for you. What is your full name? It’s just Gnaw on the file we received.”

  “I am Gnaw, a Veslor. Most of us do not use last names as you humans do. Some do, such as traders who deal with other races that require them to have one.”

  The dark-haired male frowned. “Are you the only Veslor named Gnaw?”

  “I’m uncertain. I have not met every Veslor. Do you know every human?”

  Clark chuckled. That earned him three glares from the humans across from them.

  Clark shrugged. “It was a stupid question.”

  “You will remain silent,” the bald one firmly stated.

  Clark leaned forward. “Listen up, Woods. You’re here to take statements about what happened with the Elth. Not harass someone about their culture. He doesn’t have a last name. You admitted to having access to his file. The Veslor grouping were vetted and approved to work with the fleet. We know who the hell he is. Move on.”